GM Crops & Food

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Status of research, regulations and challenges for genetically modified crops in India2018/10/02English22
Twenty-one years of using insect resistant (GM) maize in Spain and Portugal: farm-level economic and environmental contributions2019/04/03English22
Analysis of resistance to Cry1Ac in field-collected pink bollworm,Pectinophora gossypiella(Lepidoptera:Gelechiidae), populations2014/10/02English21
Global impact of biotech crops2012/04/01English21
Biotech crops2013/01/01English21
Sustainability Council of New Zealand Trust v. The Environmental Protection Authority: Gene editing technologies and the law2015/10/02English21
Heliothis virescens and Bt cotton in the United States2012/07/01English20
RNAi-derived field resistance to Cassava brown streak disease persists across the vegetative cropping cycle2013/09/13English20
Transgenic maize event TC1507: Global status of food, feed, and environmental safety2015/04/03English20
In vitro cormlet production of saffron (Crocus sativus L. Kashmirianus) and their flowering response under greenhouse2012/10/03English20
A new window of opportunity to reject process-based biotechnology regulation2015/10/02English20
Weed control changes and genetically modified herbicide tolerant crops in the USA 1996–20122014/10/02English20
Effect of growth hormones on some antioxidant parameters and gene expression in tomato2013/01/01English20
Transgene flow: Facts, speculations and possible countermeasures2014/10/02English20
The economic and environmental cost of delayed GM crop adoption: The case of Australia's GM canola moratorium2018/01/02English19
Dominance and fitness costs of insect resistance to genetically modified Bacillus thuringiensis crops2020/12/31English19
Genetically modified (GM) crop use in Colombia: farm level economic and environmental contributions2020/02/02English19
The state of the ‘GMO’ debate - toward an increasingly favorable and less polarized media conversation on ag-biotech?2022/03/23English19
Possible consequences of the overlap between the CaMV 35S promoter regions in plant transformation vectors used and the viral gene VI in transgenic plants2012/10/03English18
The income and production effects of biotech crops globally 1996–20102012/10/03English18
Commercializing genetically modified crops under EU regulations2012/01/01English18
A comprehensive transcriptome analysis of silique development and dehiscence inArabidopsisandBrassicaintegrating genotypic, interspecies and developmental comparisons2014/10/02English18
The impact of possible climate changes on developing countries2014/04/11English18
Composition of forage and grain from genetically modified DP202216 maize is equivalent to non-modified conventional maize ( Zea mays L.)2019/04/03English18
The more favorable attitude of the citizens toward GMOs supports a new regulatory framework in the European Union2020/08/12English18
Genetically engineered vegetables expressing proteins fromBacillus thuringiensisfor insect resistance2012/07/01English17
Engineering broad-spectrum resistance to cotton leaf curl disease by CRISPR-Cas9 based multiplex editing in plants2021/06/14English17
What type of Bt corn is suitable for a region with diverse lepidopteran pests: A laboratory evaluation2020/10/21English17
Improvement of sugarcane for borer resistance using Agrobacterium mediated transformation of cry1Ac gene2020/08/30English17
Metabolomic shifts inBrassica napuslines with enhancedBnPLC2expression impact their response to low temperature stress and plant pathogens2014/04/11English17