Teacher Development

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Mentoring preservice teachers: identifying tensions and possible resolutions2017/03/07English19
Through the eyes of the novice teacher: perceptions of mentoring support2012/02/01English19
Continuing professional development and learning in primary science classrooms2010/02/01English18
Teachers’ feelings during curriculum change in the United Arab Emirates: opening Pandora’s box2010/02/01English18
Teacher quality, professionalism and professional development: findings from a European project2013/11/01English18
The future of European teacher education in the heavy seas of higher education2013/08/01English18
Preparing for the inclusive classroom: changing teachers’ attitudes and knowledge2017/03/07English18
Teacher education futures: today’s trends, tomorrow’s expectations2013/08/01English18
Problem‐Based Learning: a framework for prospective teachers’ pedagogical problem solving2008/08/01English18
Beyond empty vessels and bridges: toward defining teachers as the agents of school change2014/01/02English17
Perceptions of pysical education beginning teachers' first year of teaching: are we doing enough to prevent early attrition?1999/03/01English17
What happens as student teachers who made very good use of ICT during pre‐service training enter their first year of teaching?2009/05/01English17
Teacher self-assessment of evidence-based classroom practices: preliminary findings across primary, intermediate and secondary level teachers2016/01/01English17
Teacher development against the policy reform grain: an argument for recapturing relationships in teaching and learning2007/07/01English17
Developing as mentors in school-based teacher training1997/03/01English17
Testing the main determinants of teachers’ professional well-being by using a mixed method2014/10/31English16
Teachers into lecturers: an agenda for change1997/03/01English16
Teachers' use of a conceptual framework for early literacy education involving parents1997/10/01English16
Context and coherence in initial teacher education in Ireland: the place of reflective inquiry1999/03/01English16
Why did principals and teachers respond differently to curriculum reform?2009/08/01English16
Improving partnerships between schools and universities: professional learning with benefits beyond preservice teacher education2007/10/01English16
Managing school attendance: the professional perspective2007/03/01English16
Preparing teachers for professional learning: is there a future for teacher education in new teacher induction?2013/08/01English16
The Dynamic Integrated Approach to teacher professional development: rationale and main characteristics2015/09/23English15
Learning to mentor: unravelling routine practice to develop adaptive mentoring expertise2017/01/26English15
The transfer of content knowledge in a cascade model of professional development2016/09/22English15
Learning to Learn: teacher research in the Zone of Proximal Development2006/07/01English15
Sources of teachers’ values and attitudes2012/08/01English15
Identifying the professional development needs of early career teachers in Scotland using nominal group technique2009/02/01English15
Teaching competences necessary for developing key competences of primary education students in Spain: teacher assessments2016/01/01English15