Journal of Sea Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Seasonal phytoplankton dynamics in extreme southern South America (Beagle Channel, Argentina)2011/08/01English63
Distant riverine nutrient supply and local temperature drive the long-term phytoplankton development in a temperate coastal basin2009/01/01English63
Shifts in the timing of spawning in sole linked to warming sea temperatures2013/01/01English63
Population structure of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in northern Europe: a comparison of resolving power between microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA data2004/05/01English62
Changes in the spatial distribution of North Sea plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) and implications for fisheries management2007/02/01English62
Home range and diel behavior of the ballan wrasse, Labrus bergylta, determined by acoustic telemetry2013/07/01English62
Horizontal zonation patterns and feeding structure of marine nematode assemblages on a macrotidal, ultra-dissipative sandy beach (De Panne, Belgium)2004/09/01English62
Mangrove carbon sink. Do burrowing crabs contribute to sediment carbon storage? Evidence from a Kenyan mangrove system2014/01/01English62
A cross-system analysis of sedimentary organic carbon in the mangrove ecosystems of Xuan Thuy National Park, Vietnam2012/01/01English61
Marine diatoms sustain growth of bivalves in a Mediterranean lagoon2012/02/01English61
Marine benthic ecological functioning over decreasing taxonomic richness2015/04/01English60
Seasonal dynamics of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in surface sediments of a diatom-dominated intertidal mudflat (Marennes–Oléron, France)2014/09/01English60
Organisms as cooperative ecosystem engineers in intertidal flats2014/09/01English59
Physical disturbance and subtidal habitat structure on open rocky coasts: Effects of wave exposure, extent and intensity2008/08/01English59
Sensitivity of macrobenthic secondary production to trawling in the English sector of the Greater North Sea: A biological trait approach2014/01/01English59
Food web structure and seasonality of slope megafauna in the NW Mediterranean elucidated by stable isotopes: Relationship with available food sources2013/03/01English59
Bushy or smooth, high or low; importance of habitat architecture and vertical position for distribution of fauna on kelp2007/10/01English59
Modelling the spatial distribution of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), sole (Solea solea) and thornback ray (Raja clavata) in UK waters for marine management and planning2009/04/01English58
The effects of environmental factors on daytime sandeel distribution and abundance on the Dogger Bank2008/10/01English58
A decade of harbour porpoise occurrence in German waters—Analyses of aerial surveys, incidental sightings and strandings2006/07/01English58
Trophic ecology in a Northern Brittany (Batz Island, France) kelp (Laminaria digitata) forest, as investigated through stable isotopes and chemical assays2010/01/01English58
Spatial variation in phytoplankton dynamics in the Belgian coastal zone of the North Sea studied by microscopy, HPLC-CHEMTAX and underway fluorescence recordings2006/05/01English57
Ecology of exposed sandy beaches in northern Spain: Environmental factors controlling macrofauna communities2006/02/01English57
Differential response of benthic macrofauna to the formation of novel oyster reefs (Crassostrea gigas, Thunberg) on soft and rocky substrate in the intertidal of the Bay of Brest, France2011/01/01English56
Modeling sensitive elasmobranch habitats2013/10/01English56
Inter- and intra-specific competition between Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula in resource-limited barren areas2008/10/01English56
Effect of crab bioturbation on organic matter processing in South West Atlantic intertidal sediments2015/01/01English56
Differential response to ocean acidification in physiological traits of Concholepas concholepas populations2014/07/01English56
Intrusion of the Pearl River plume into the main channel of the Taiwan Strait in summer2015/01/01English56
The role of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in nutrient budgets of Gamak Bay, a shellfish farming bay, in Korea2010/10/01English56