Journal of Sea Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Shell damage and shell repair in the Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna from King George Island1999/03/01English
Evidence from plankton for multi-annual variations of Atlantic inflow in the northwestern North Sea1999/11/01English
Maternal effects — a link between the past and the future1997/11/01English
Mesocosm observations of fluxes of particulate matter within the benthic boundary layer1997/05/01English
Shrimp predation on 0-group plaice: contrasts between field data and predictions of an individual-based model2001/06/01English
Nutrients and chlorophyll at two sites in the Thames plume and southern North Sea2001/08/01English
Contents volume 381997/12/01English
Assessing the effects of anthropogenic stressors on Puget Sound flatfish populations1998/03/01English
On the variation in dab Limanda limanda recruitment: a zoogeographic study1998/09/01English
Xanthophyll cycling in Phaeocystis globosa and Thalassiosira sp.: a possible mechanism for species succession2000/08/01English
Recruitment variability in dab (Limanda limanda) in the southeastern North Sea2001/06/01English
The nursery function of the intertidal areas in the western Wadden Sea for 0-group sole Solea solea (L.)2001/06/01English
Variation in growth for Hecate Strait English sole (Parophrys vetulus) with implications for stock assessment2000/10/01English
Effects of environmental variables on between-year variation of Ulva growth and biomass in a eutrophic brackish lake1997/12/01English
Flatfishes of Norwegian coasts and fjords1998/09/01English
Effect of wind blows on the transport and settlement of brown sole (Pleuronectes herzensteini) larvae in a shelf region of the Sea of Japan: numerical experiments with an Euler–Lagrangian model2000/10/01English
Model and prediction relationship of sound velocity and porosity of seafloor sediments2023/08/01English
Drivers of decadal-scale temporal change in epibenthic megafaunal assemblages on scallop fishing grounds in the Bay of Fundy2023/10/01English
Community structure of demersal fish over the continental shelf off the southeastern coast of Hokkaido Island: The effect of eurythermy in dominant species2023/10/01English
Drastic hydrodynamic changes in the western Bay of Bengal caused by tropical cyclone Nada2023/08/01English
Editorial Board2023/02/01English
Dynamic oceanographic influences on zooplankton communities over the northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf2024/04/01English
Population structure and habitat connectivity of Pogonias courbina (Perciformes, Sciaenidae) in two Brazilian lagoon systems on south-east coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, inferred from otolith shape and elemental signaturesEnglish
The impact of water jet dredging for razor clams, Ensis spp., in a shallow sandy subtidal environment2000/02/01English
The response of calcareous organism to temperature from continental shelf sediments under culture experiment—A case of benthic foraminifera2023/12/01English
Does Spartina invasion affect the carbohydrate assimilation of polychaetes in mangroves? A case study in the Zhangjiang Estuary Mangrove National Nature Reserve2023/10/01English
Monitoring sediment transport pathways from an artificial nearshore berm, South Padre Island, Texas, USA, August 2018 to November 2019—Implications for coastal management2023/12/01English