Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Magnetic Field Resonance and Pressure Effects on Epitaxial Thin Film Deposition and In Situ Plasma Diagnostics2017/10/20English
Decomposition and Debromination of Monobromoacetic Acid by Radio Frequency Discharge in an Aqueous Solution2017/08/08English
Special Issue: Papers by Invited Lecturers at the 23rd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 23)2018/05/10English
Effects of Pressure and Electrode Length on the Abatement of N2O and CF4 in a Low-Pressure Plasma Reactor2016/08/30English
Effects of Collisionless and Collisional Plasma Characteristics on the Transport Mechanism of Nitrogen Ions in Nitrided Austenitic Stainless Steel2023/04/28English
Modeling of the Sulfur Emission in the Asymmetric Pulse Dielectric Barrier Discharge2023/05/13English
Effects of Plasma-Produced Ozone on Flame Chemiluminescence and Pollutant Emissions of Biogas with Different CO2 Content2023/05/15English
Exploring the Roles of Plasma-Induced Surface Reactive Oxygen Species on CaSO4 in Catalytic Oxidation of CO or H2 Using in-situ Plasma DRIFTS-MS2023/05/16English
Pearl Millet Seed Surface Modification and Improved Germination by Non-thermal Plasma Discharge: Understanding the Role of Reactive Species2024/03/01English
Fast Cross-scale Preparation of Water-repellent Hierarchical Surface via Atmospheric air Plasma for Water-in-oil Emulsion Separation2024/03/01English
Degradation of Methylene Blue by Pulsed Nanosecond Discharge in Water with Ar-O2 Gaseous Bubbles2024/04/09English
Kinetics Driving H2(a) Continuum Emission in Low-Frequency Ar-NH3 Dielectric Barrier Discharges at Atmospheric Pressure2024/03/29English
Quad-atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet (q-APPJ) Treatment of Chilli Seeds to Stimulate Germination2023/12/08English
Medium Pressure Plasma Processing of Fused Silica: A Comparative Study for Material Removal Rate2024/01/03English
Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma-Enabled Energy Conversion Under Multiple Operating Parameters: Machine Learning Optimization2023/12/13English
Numerical Simulation of the Voltage–Current Characteristic of an Atmospheric Pressure Discharge: The Glow-to-Arc Transition2024/01/03English
Characteristics and Stability of Pulsed Gas–Liquid Discharge with the Addition of Photocatalysts2023/11/23English
Interaction of Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma with Soybean Seeds: Effect on Germination and DNA, Seed Surface Characteristics and Plasma Diagnostics2023/10/10English
Plasma Sterilization for Bacterial Inactivation: Studies on Probable Mechanisms and Biochemical Actions2023/11/20English
In Situ Graphene Synthesis Study in Inductively Coupled Radiofrequency Thermal Plasma Reactor Using Methane Precursor2023/10/25English
Evaluating Discharge Performance and Catalytic Properties of Nanoscale Catalyst Dielectric Barrier Discharge System2023/09/29English
Destruction of 2,4-Dichlorophenol Vapor in a Process Involving the Combined Action of DBD in Oxygen and a Catalyst2024/03/01English
Special Issue: Papers by Plenary and Invited Lecturers at the 25th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 25), 21–26 May 2023, Kyoto, Japan2024/03/25English
Node-of-Influence Network Analysis for Targeted Condition Sequencing in Plasma Chemical Reaction Networks2023/07/12English
Obtaining Multiple Colors and Luster after One-Time Printing with Plasma Treated PET-TiO2 Fabrics2023/07/11English
Diverse Texturing Characteristics Through Metal-Assisted Plasma Etching with Silver Nanowires2024/04/23English
One-Stage Method for Removing Dyes under the Action of Underwater Plasma and Ferrites of Cobalt, Nickel, and Titanium2024/04/23English
Plasma Bubble Column Reactor: A High Throughput Reactor Design for Water Treatment2024/04/22English
Efficacy of Plasma Enhanced Advanced Oxidation Processes for Decontamination of Water Containing Arsenic2023/09/23English
Coupling of Methane in a DBD Plasma Reactor: Effect of H2 as Co-Feed2023/08/26English