Biology & Philosophy

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Bioknowledge with Burian2006/04/28English
Taking Popper seriously1996/04/01English
On interdisciplinary and such1996/04/01English
Moral commitment without objectivity or illusion: Comments on Ruse and Woolcock1996/04/01English
Six things Popper would like biologists not to ignore: In memoriam, Karl Raimund Popper, 1902–19941996/04/01English
Popper, falsifiability, and evolutionary biology1996/04/01English
Sociobiology and philosophy of science1996/04/01English
The individuality of the species: A Darwinian theory? — from Buffon to Ghiselin, and back to Darwin1996/04/01English
Is anyone a cognitive ethologist?2004/09/01English
Perspectives on the animal mind*2004/09/01English
Wild justice and fair play: cooperation, forgiveness, and morality in animals2004/09/01English
Instinct in the '50s: the British reception of Konrad Lorenz's theory of instinctive behavior*2004/09/01English
Kanzi, evolution, and language2004/09/01English
Do dolphins know their own minds?2004/09/01English
The emergence of knapping and vocal expression embedded in a Pan/Homo culture2004/09/01English
From theory to data: Representing neurons in the 1940s2003/06/01English
The Good, the Bad and the Impossible2003/06/01English
Darwinian functions and Freudian motivations2003/06/01English
Developmental Systems and Animal Behaviour2003/06/01English
The Galilean turn in population ecology2003/06/01English
Ecosystem Organization as Side-effects of Replicator and Interactor Activities2003/06/01English
The concept of group heritability2003/06/01English
Noah and the spaceship: evolution for twenty-first century christians2009/02/22English
Editorial announcement1990/07/01English
Response to Sloep and Van der Steen1987/01/01English
Darwin as a young scientist1987/01/01English
The nature of evolutionary theory: The semantic challenge1987/01/01English
Criticism, commitment, and the growth of human sociobiology1987/01/01English