Biology & Philosophy

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Index of Key Words2000/11/01English
And Now for a Few Words from the Loyal Opposition . . .1997/07/01English
Some Nonhuman Animals Can Have Pains in a Morally Relevant Sense1996/12/01English
Heuristics and Biases in Evolutionary Biology1996/12/01English
Darwin Reconstructed1997/02/01English
Explanation, Causation, and Evolution1997/02/01English
An Ecologically-informed Ontology for Environmental Ethics1996/12/01English
Keyword Index1999/10/01English
Are homologies really natural kinds?2019/08/01English
Locating uncertainty in stochastic evolutionary models: divergence time estimation2019/03/19English
Isolability as the unifying feature of modularity2019/03/14English
CRISPR-Cas changing biology?2019/02/01English
Representation-supporting model elements2020/02/01English
Likeness-making and the evolution of cognition2021/12/21English
Proper functions: etiology without typehood2022/06/01English
Natural artificiality, niche construction, and the content-open mediation of human behavior2021/12/01English
Darwin and the golden rule: how to distinguish differences of degree from differences of kind using mechanisms2022/12/01English
Circadian clocks signal future states of affairs2022/11/10English
When should researchers cite study differences in response to a failure to replicate?2022/09/02English
Seven principles to rule them all2013/04/20English
Evolution and the loss of hierarchies: Dubreuil’s “Human evolution and the origin of hierarchies: the state of nature”2011/05/05English
Reports from the high table2011/03/29English
Editorial: David Hull 1935–20102010/11/01English
What are the implications of evolvable molecules?2014/04/04English
Epistemology, necessity, and evolution: a critical review of Michael Ruse’s Philosophy After Darwin2010/08/11English
Neither Adaptive Thinking nor Reverse Engineering: methods in the evolutionary social sciences2014/10/28English
Two faces of representation: on the neuroscience of folk psychology2012/12/27English
Borrowed plumes: mimetic powers and the polymorphism of humans2011/05/31English
Taking the ‘Error’ Out of Ruse‘s Error Theory1997/07/01English