Learning and Instruction

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Early development of quantity to number-word linkage as a precursor of mathematical school achievement and mathematical difficulties: Findings from a four-year longitudinal study2009/12/01English231
Effective peer assessment processes: Research findings and future directions2010/08/01English229
Prior knowledge, reading skill, and text cohesion in the comprehension of science texts2009/06/01English228
A phenomenographic study of academics' conceptions of science learning and teaching1994/01/01English219
Student revision with peer and expert reviewing2010/08/01English203
In the eyes of the beholder: How experts and novices interpret dynamic stimuli2010/04/01English198
Quality of geometry instruction and its short-term impact on students' understanding of the Pythagorean Theorem2009/12/01English197
The relation between intellectual and metacognitive skills from a developmental perspective2004/02/01English194
The development of students’ understanding of the numerical value of fractions2004/10/01English190
Using subjective measures to detect variations of intrinsic cognitive load within problems2006/10/01English185
Incorporating motivation into multimedia learning2014/02/01English184
Student misbehavior and teacher well-being: Testing the mediating role of the teacher-student relationship2018/12/01English184
Eye tracking as a tool to study and enhance multimedia learning2010/04/01English184
Situational interest and academic achievement in the active-learning classroom2011/02/01English181
Critical thinking as a citizenship competence: teaching strategies2004/08/01English181
Teachers' goal orientations for teaching: Associations with instructional practices, interest in teaching, and burnout2010/02/01English179
Integrating information: A meta-analysis of the spatial contiguity and temporal contiguity effects2006/12/01English173
Effective classroom management and the development of subject-related interest2007/10/01English173
Early numerical development and the role of non-symbolic and symbolic skills2013/06/01English171
Attention guidance in learning from a complex animation: Seeing is understanding?2010/04/01English170
Peer feedback content and sender's competence level in academic writing revision tasks: Are they critical for feedback perceptions and efficiency?2010/08/01English167
The homework–achievement relation reconsidered: Differentiating homework time, homework frequency, and homework effort2007/06/01English166
One lesson is all you need? Stability of instructional quality across lessons2014/06/01English162
Socially shared metacognition of dyads of pupils in collaborative mathematical problem-solving processes2011/06/01English159
Achievement goal orientations and subjective well-being: A person-centred analysis2008/06/01English157
Do learning protocols support learning strategies and outcomes? The role of cognitive and metacognitive prompts2007/10/01English155
Situated learning: Bridging sociocultural and cognitive theorising1996/09/01English152
Dynamic visualizations and learning: getting to the difficult questions2004/06/01English151
Interrogation of a dynamic visualization during learning2004/06/01English150
Knowledge convergence in collaborative learning: Concepts and assessment2007/08/01English150