Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Consonant inventories of young children from 8 to 25 months1994/01/01English45
Effect of listener training on perceptual judgement of hypernasality2009/01/01English45
Imitation of nonwords by hearing impaired children with cochlear implants: suprasegmental analyses2002/01/01English45
The influence of sublexical and lexical representations on the processing of spoken words in English2003/09/01English44
Speech rate effects upon intelligibility and acceptability of dysarthric speech2006/01/01English44
Child and parent speech and language following the Lidcombe Programme of early stuttering intervention2000/01/01English44
Imitation of nonwords by hearing‐impaired children with cochlear implants: segmental analyses2004/01/01English44
Problem-based learning: Student learning experiences and outcomes2013/08/14English44
Joint productions as a conversational strategy in aphasia1998/01/01English43
Dramatic effects of speech task on motor and linguistic planning in severely dysfluent parkinsonian speech2012/07/09English43
Syllabic stress and variability: A model of stuttering1996/01/01English43
The development of speech production following cochlear implantation2001/01/01English43
Subject pronoun use by children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)2013/01/07English42
Features of developmental dyspraxia in the general speech-impaired population?1998/01/01English42
Aspects of non-native pronunciation in a case of altered accent following stroke (foreign accent syndrome)2001/01/01English42
The use of subject arguments by children with specific language impairment1997/01/01English41
Metaphon: A metalinguistic approach to the treatment of phonological disorder in children1995/01/01English41
The effect of substitution patterns on phonological treatment outcomes2000/01/01English41
A closer look at MLU: What does it really measure?2005/01/01English41
Non‐standard assessment practices in the evaluation of communication in Australian Aboriginal children2008/01/01English41
Identification and discrimination of voicing and place-of-articulation in developmental dyslexia2001/01/01English41
Addressing phonological questions with ultrasound2005/01/01English40
Effects of speaking task on intelligibility in Parkinson's disease2010/10/01English40
Principles underlying the Bilingual Aphasia Test (BAT) and its uses2011/06/01English40
Validation of the Intelligibility in Context Scale as a screening tool for preschoolers in Hong Kong2014/01/23English40
Interactional and phonetic aspects of immediate echolalia in autism: A case study1995/01/01English40
Phonologically disordered Cantonese-speaking children1994/01/01English40
The effect of unilateral electrostimulation of the subthalamic nucleus on respiratory/phonatory subsystems of speech production in Parkinson's disease—a preliminary report2003/06/01English40
Non‐word repetition in Dutch children with (a risk of) dyslexia and SLI2007/01/01English40
The speech of phonologically disordered children acquiring Italian1991/01/01English39