Physical Review D

Title Publication Date Language Citations
WIMPs and stellar-mass primordial black holes are incompatible2019/07/09English4
Rotating black holes in higher order gravity2019/10/11English4
Shadow cast and deflection of light by charged rotating regular black holes2019/12/10English4
Jet tagging via particle clouds2020/03/26English4
New binary black hole mergers in the second observing run of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo2020/04/27English4
Gravitational deflection of light and shadow cast by rotating Kalb-Ramond black holes2020/05/01English4
Observation of a potential future sensitivity limitation from ground motion at LIGO Hanford2020/05/05English4
Trailhead for quantum simulation of SU(3) Yang-Mills lattice gauge theory in the local multiplet basis2021/05/04English4
Running Hubble tension and a H0 diagnostic2021/05/10English4
Unitarity and the three flavor neutrino mixing matrix2016/06/14English4
When can gravity path-entangle two spatially superposed masses?2018/08/01English4
Functional renormalization group analysis of rank-3 tensorial group field theory: The full quartic invariant truncation2018/06/29English4
Joule-Thomson expansion of charged Gauss-Bonnet black holes in AdS space2018/10/10English4
Capacitive sensing of test mass motion with nanometer precision over millimeter-wide sensing gaps for space-borne gravitational reference sensors2017/09/26English4
Mapping Ricci-based theories of gravity into general relativity2018/01/31English4
Unveiling ν secrets with cosmological data: Neutrino masses and mass hierarchy2017/12/01English4
Loop quantization of the Gowdy model with local rotational symmetry2017/11/28English4
Discretization of 3d gravity in different polarizations2017/10/23English4
Nonrelativistic strings and limits of the AdS/CFT correspondence2017/10/24English4
Joule-Thomson expansion of d -dimensional charged AdS black holes2018/12/20English4
Nonlocal entanglement and directional correlations of primordial perturbations on the inflationary horizon2019/03/25English4
Black holes and binary mergers in scalar Gauss-Bonnet gravity: Scalar field dynamics2019/03/25English4
Geometric optics in general relativity using bilocal operators2019/03/25English4
Hairy Schwarzschild-(A)dS black hole solutions in degenerate higher order scalar-tensor theories beyond shift symmetry2019/03/26English4
Finite energy but infinite entropy production from moving mirrors2019/01/18English4
Trident pair production in plane waves: Coherence, exchange, and spacetime inhomogeneity2018/02/23English4
Black hole spectroscopy: Systematic errors and ringdown energy estimates2018/02/28English4
Hamiltonian formalism forf(T)gravity2018/05/18English4
Gravitational self-force on generic bound geodesics in Kerr spacetime2018/05/21English4
Classification and unsupervised clustering of LIGO data with Deep Transfer Learning2018/05/21English4