Physical Review D

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Teleparallel theories of gravity as analogue of nonlinear electrodynamics2018/05/24English4
Does the black hole shadow probe the event horizon geometry?2018/04/16English4
Spacetime symmetries and topology in bimetric relativity2018/04/16English4
Towards cosmological dynamics from loop quantum gravity2018/04/17English4
Implementing quantum Ricci curvature2018/05/21English4
Regular black holes in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity2018/05/29English4
Numerical evolutions of spherical Proca stars2017/05/22English4
Classification and asymptotic structure of black holes in bimetric theory2017/09/05English4
Quantum propagation across cosmological singularities2017/05/18English4
Loop gravity string2017/05/02English4
Light propagation in a plasma on Kerr spacetime: Separation of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation and calculation of the shadow2017/05/04English4
Final fate of compact boson star mergers2017/06/05English4
Global analysis of nuclear parton distribution functions and their uncertainties at next-to-next-to-leading order2016/01/26English4
Limits on nonlinear electrodynamics2016/05/31English4
Solution phase space and conserved charges: A general formulation for charges associated with exact symmetries2016/02/26English4
Spectral and thermodynamic properties of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model2016/12/19English4
Computationally efficient models for the dominant and subdominant harmonic modes of precessing binary black holes2021/05/25English4
Understanding photon sphere and black hole shadow in dynamically evolving spacetimes2019/05/31English4
Bias and scatter in the Hubble diagram from cosmological large-scale structure2019/07/12English4
Hamiltonian and primary constraints of new general relativity2019/04/15English4
Classifying the unknown: Discovering novel gravitational-wave detector glitches using similarity learning2019/04/16English4
Generalized Fermi acceleration2019/04/12English4
Third family of compact stars within a nonlocal chiral quark model equation of state2019/03/18English4
Combined explanations of (g−2)μ,e and implications for a large muon EDM2018/12/07English4
Circuit complexity in fermionic field theory2018/12/04English4
Hyperboloidal slicing approach to quasinormal mode expansions: The Reissner-Nordström case2018/12/11English4
Search for kilogram-scale dark matter with precision displacement sensors2019/01/07English4
Nonlinear trident pair production in an arbitrary plane wave: A focus on the properties of the transition amplitude2018/12/11English4
Primordial gravitational waves and the H0 -tension problem2019/02/15English4
Fokker action of nonspinning compact binaries at the fourth post-Newtonian approximation2016/04/20English4