Physical Review D

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Galactic axions search with a superconducting resonant cavity2019/05/01English5
Reviving Horndeski theory using teleparallel gravity after GW1708172020/04/28English5
Slicing the vacuum: New accelerating mirror solutions of the dynamical Casimir effect2017/12/22English5
Analytical spectral density of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model at finite N2017/09/11English5
Echoes from the abyss: Tentative evidence for Planck-scale structure at black hole horizons2017/10/26English5
Eccentric black hole mergers forming in globular clusters2018/05/21English5
High-energy gravitational scattering and the general relativistic two-body problem2018/02/26English5
Deep neural networks to enable real-time multimessenger astrophysics2018/02/26English5
General parametrization of axisymmetric black holes in metric theories of gravity2016/03/07English5
Experimental bounds on collapse models from gravitational wave detectors2016/12/23English5
Dynamical analysis of an integrable cubic Galileon cosmological model2017/06/30English5
On the local well-posedness of Lovelock and Horndeski theories2017/08/16English5
Functional renormalization group analysis of tensorial group field theories onRd2016/07/06English5
Probing vacuum birefringence using x-ray free electron and optical high-intensity lasers2016/07/06English5
P−Vcriticality of logarithm-corrected dyonic charged AdS black holes2016/09/02English5
Chameleon dark energy and atom interferometry2016/08/25English5
Integration of inhomogeneous cosmological spacetimes in the BSSN formalism2016/06/24English5
Cosmological solutions off(T)gravity2016/07/28English5
Erratum: Diffeomorphism-invariant observables and their nonlocal algebra [Phys. Rev. D93, 024030 (2016)]2016/07/27English5
Cosmography in f(Q) gravity2020/12/09English4
Quantum simulations of a qubit of space2021/02/02English4
Witnessing nonclassicality beyond quantum theory2020/10/16English4
Application of dictionary learning to denoise LIGO’s blip noise transients2020/07/08English4
Hadronic interaction model sibyll 2.3d and extensive air showers2020/09/03English4
New physics in light of the H0 tension: An alternative view2020/07/10English4
Neutrino observatory based on archaeological lead2020/09/02English4
Numerical modeling and experimental demonstration of pulsed charge control for the space inertial sensor used in LISA2020/08/06English4
Sensitivity of EDM experiments in paramagnetic atoms and molecules to hadronic CP violation2020/08/04English4
Early dark energy does not restore cosmological concordance2020/08/05English4
Leggett-Garg inequality in the context of three flavor neutrino oscillation2019/05/03English4