Physical Review D

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Nature of M31 gamma-ray halo in relation to dark matter annihilation2023/08/25English
Cosmological parameter constraints using phenomenological symbolic expressions: On the significance of symbolic expression complexity and accuracy2023/08/28English
Quasiperiodic oscillations for spherically symmetric regular black holes2023/08/28English
Graviton mass bounds in very special relativity from binary pulsar’s gravitational waves2023/08/28English
Erratum: Rare W -boson decays into a vector meson and lepton pair [Phys. Rev. D 107 , 113001 (2023)]2023/08/28English
Loop corrections in gravitational wave spectrum in single field inflation2023/08/28English
Feynman parameter integration through differential equations2023/08/28English
Axial and polar stability of neutron stars in scalar-tensor theories with disformal coupling2023/08/28English
Hodge duality and supergravity2023/08/28English
Partition function of a volume of space in a higher curvature theory2023/08/28English
Second law from the Noether current on null hypersurfaces2023/08/28English
Kinetic relaxation and Bose-star formation in multicomponent dark matter2023/08/28English
Backreaction from gauge fields produced during inflation2023/08/28English
Search for vector dark matter in microwave cavities with Rydberg atoms2023/08/28English
Bayesian time delay interferometry for orbiting LISA: Accounting for the time dependence of spacecraft separations2023/08/28English
Primordial black holes formation in an early matter dominated era from the pre-big-bang scenario2023/08/28English
Interactions of electrical and magnetic charges and dark topological defects2023/08/28English
Exotic energy injection in the early Universe. I. A novel treatment for low-energy electrons and photons2023/08/28English
QCD equation of state at finite chemical potential from an unbiased exponential resummation of the lattice QCD Taylor series2023/08/09English
Joint population and cosmological properties inference with gravitational waves standard sirens and galaxy surveys2023/08/09English
Revisiting compaction functions for primordial black hole formation2023/08/09English
Sterile neutrino shape shifting caused by dark matter2023/08/09English
Roy equation analyses of ππ scatterings at unphysical pion masses2023/08/09English
Quark pair angular correlations in the proton: Entropy versus entanglement negativity2023/08/11English
Distinguishing the spins of Pc(4440) and Pc(4457) with femtoscopic correlation functions2023/08/11English
Parametrized parity violation in gravitational wave propagation2023/08/11English
Loss of hyperbolicity and tachyons in generalized Proca theories2023/08/11English
Large neutrino asymmetry from TeV scale leptogenesis2023/08/11English
Measurement of the Λ hyperon lifetime2023/08/11English
Scheme and gauge dependence of QCD fixed points at five loops2023/08/11English