Physical Review D

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Multishell solution in the Skyrme model2023/07/28English
Novel approach to investigate η decays via η′→ππη2023/07/28English
Timelike entanglement entropy and TT¯ deformation2023/08/10English
2.5PN accurate waveform information for generic-planar-orbit binaries in effective one-body models2023/07/31English
Bootstrapping string theory on AdS5×S52023/07/31English
Light axion emission and the formation of merging binary black holes2023/07/31English
Spin alignment of vector mesons by glasma fields2023/07/31English
New non-Abelian Reissner-Nordström black hole solutions in the generalized SU(2) Proca theory and some astrophysical implications2023/07/31English
Duality between amplitude and derivative coupled particle detectors in the limit of large energy gaps2023/08/28English
Veltman criteria in the beyond standard model effective field theory of a complex scalar triplet2023/08/28English
Hawking radiation from stationary black holes using gravitational anomaly2023/08/28English
Observed power spectrum and frequency-angular power spectrum2023/08/28English
Electron and muon anomalous magnetic moments in the Z3 -NMSSM2023/08/28English
Role of spatial curvature in the primordial gravitational wave power spectrum2023/08/28English
Decoding neutron star observations: Revealing composition through Bayesian neural networks2023/08/28English
Erratum: Momentum spirals in multiphoton pair production revisited [Phys. Rev. D 107 , 116010 (2023)]2023/08/28English
Untargeted Bayesian search of anisotropic gravitational-wave backgrounds through the analytical marginalization of the posterior2023/08/28English
Collective modes of a collisional anisotropic quark-gluon plasma2023/08/25English
Minimal model for the W -boson mass, (g−2)μ , h→μ+μ− , and quark-mixing-matrix unitarity2023/08/25English
Novel modulus stabilization mechanism in higher dimensional f(R) gravity2023/08/25English
Search for bosonic super-weakly interacting massive particles at COSINE-1002023/08/25English
Supersymmetric reduction of 3D theories on a line segment2023/08/25English
Constraining the Einstein-dilaton-Gauss-Bonnet theory with higher harmonics and the merger-ringdown contribution using GWTC-32023/08/25English
Interpretation of spacetimes with expanding impulsive gravitational waves generated by snapped cosmic strings2023/08/25English
Sequential simulation-based inference for gravitational wave signals2023/08/25English
Defrosting frozen stars: Spectrum of internal fluid modes2023/08/25English
Power spectrum with k6 growth for primordial black holes2023/08/25English
Quark distribution functions and spin-flavor structures in N→Δ transitions2023/08/25English
Model agnostic probes of dark sectors at neutrino experiments2023/08/25English
Luminosity distance uncertainties from gravitational wave detections of binary neutron stars by third generation observatories2023/08/25English