Research in Post-Compulsory Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Curriculum frameworks and assumptions in 14–19 education1997/10/01English
Sense-making and ISO 9000 in educational organisations1997/03/01English
Cascading models of learning to provide insight into workplace delivery of basic skills2003/07/01English
The significance and workings of social movements as a part of the civil society: an approach from a learning angle1999/07/01English
Learning at a distance in higher education: an evaluation of a CD-ROM-based distance learning project with the royal air force2000/07/01English
The disability discrimination act 1995, disability statements and the effect on higher education for students with special needs in England1997/03/01English
Vocational teachers in higher secondary schools in developing countries: a case study of Gujarat1999/10/01English
Training methodologies for adults with low achievements and educational qualifications2000/10/01English
An exercise in the management of change: identifying factors which affect the likelihood of an engineering company in the nottingham area choosing a national vocational qualification route as the means of meeting its training needs2002/07/01English
Extending the academic year for mature part-time higher education students using a web-based learning environment2003/10/01English
The role of counselling and guidance in promoting lifelong learning in france2001/03/01English
Modelling what's in it for me? the application of modelling to the management of accessibility2000/03/01English
The general national vocational qualification experience: an education or just a qualification?1997/07/01English
Challenging the common theory of lifelong learning2001/10/01English
A research-led approach to the evaluation of certificate in education (post-16) programmes2002/07/01English
Curriculum design, practice and evaluation in ordained local ministry in the Diocese of Manchester2005/07/01English
Some reflections on theories of leadership and change and their relevance to a post-1992 university2005/07/01English
On the side of the angels? open college networks as a case of cooperation within a competitive environment1998/03/01English
Vocational education policies and strategies as perceived by palestinian academics and technicians1997/07/01English
From data to delivery2001/10/01English
Data on the doorstep: using documents for researching further education2001/07/01English
Numbers and narratives: what can schoolteachers tell us about college drop-out?2004/07/01English
My mums1999/03/01English
The rediscovery of middle age2005/03/01English
New policies, new options: learning from changing student transitions at two ends of the world1998/10/01English
The quality of day care provision to encourage the transition to adulthood for young women with learning difficulties1998/03/01English
Identifying and measuring knowledge in vocational awards: the national vocational qualification experience1997/07/01English
Dynamic teaching support for young children with learning difficulties and their families1999/07/01English
Tolerating uncertainty: the exploration of a 10-week stress management course which supports a process of recovery, personal change and educational development for people experiencing stress and anxiety2002/07/01English
Records of achievement, higher education and work: passport or passenger?1999/10/01English