Wellbeing, Space and Society

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Socio-spatial dimensions of school closures and neighbourhood change in Ontario: An environmental injustice?2023/01/01English1
The contributions of mangroves to physiological health in Ghana: Insights from a qualitative study of key informants2023/01/01English1
Listening through Lines: Mark making, sound and the hospital2022/01/01English1
Editorial board2022/01/01English
New theoretical terrains in geographies of wellbeing: Key questions of the posthumanist turn2023/01/01English
Flows of Care in ‘Third Places’: The Role of Shore Fishing Spaces in Collective Wellbeing2023/01/01English
Determinants of adaptive capacities and coping strategies to climate change related extreme events by forest dependent communities in Malawi2024/01/01English
Challenging the myth of women's empowerment: Mining development and commercial sex in a Zambian town2024/01/01English
Pandemic effects on social capital in residents and non-residents of Chinese immigrant enclaves in Philadelphia2024/01/01English
Perceived barriers to physical activity in the social spaces of low socioeconomic status suburbs2023/12/01English
Built pedagogy and educational citizenship in an Australian alternative learning environment2023/12/01English
‘Wayfeeling’: Navigating through emotional and sensorial responses in public transit2022/01/01English
Co-designing a nature play program for culturally and linguistically diverse children and primary carers: Implications for practice2024/01/01English
Young trans people's experiences of leisure and mental health: Belonging, creativity, and navigation2023/01/01English
Can shopping centres foster wellbeing? A scoping review of motivations and positive experiences associated with non-shopping visits2023/01/01English
The connection between wildlife co-management and indigenous well-being: What does the academic literature reveal?2022/01/01English
Turning the ordinary into the extraordinary – Experiences of providing farm-based day care for people with dementia2022/01/01English
Transnationalism and caring for vulnerable-status, migrant women and their families during pregnancy and early-childhood2023/12/01English
Education and self-rated health: The moderating effect of primary care quality in 24 OECD countries, 2002 to 20182023/12/01English
Examining the health and wellbeing of women sanitation workers in Ghana and Kenya2023/12/01English
Distance and grief: Optimising wellbeing for transnational migrants in Tasmania2023/01/01English
Winter wonderland: The effects of a snowy winter nature walk on subjective stress and salivary cortisol levels2023/01/01English
Exploring the relationship between neighbourhood quality (NQ) and housing stability among formerly homeless individuals with mental illness in housing first2021/01/01English
Editorial board2020/01/01English
Clinical geography: A commentary response2022/01/01English
Understanding (disrupted) participation in community sports clubs: Situated wellbeing, social practices and affinities and atmospheres2021/01/01English
Radon gas concentrations in on-reserve housing in two northern Manitoba First Nation communities2022/01/01English
Investigating the effects of rurality on stress, subjective well-being, and weight-related outcomes2023/12/01English
Views of older Surinamese adults in the Netherlands about neighbourhood age-friendliness and well-being realisation: A Q-methodology study2023/12/01English
Snow-child interactions during the winter season in a temperate zone: Czech Republic2023/12/01English