Wellbeing, Space and Society

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Contemporary Qatari dwelling design and household's social wellbeing2023/12/01English
Flourishing with chronic illness(es) and everyday stress: Experiences from Soweto, South Africa2023/01/01English
Wellbeing, space and society2023/12/01English
Editorial board2021/01/01English
Freedom through constraint: Young women's embodiment, space and wellbeing during lockdown2022/01/01English
Contested and (un)realized capabilities of wellbeing in rural places in Canada: Contemplating immigrants’ realities2022/01/01English
Political ecology of household water security among the urban poor in Malawi2022/01/01English
How could businesses with anchor positioning contribute to community wellbeing? A study of supermarket community support actions in the UK2024/01/01English
Seeing Jigamy; using an arts-based method to explore the meaning of place for an aboriginal community controlled organisation on the South Coast of NSW2024/01/01English
Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the Czech version of the Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale2024/01/01English
Migrant digital placemaking for wellbeing: A netnography of Facebook groups2024/01/01English
Solitary in Nature: Young adults using urban nature as a safety net during COVID-19 lockdowns2024/01/01English
Place attachment, identity threat, and wellbeing in bushfire affected areas2023/12/01English
Supporting healthy community decision-making in municipalities: A synthesis of evidence-informed resources from across Canada2023/12/01English
Experiences of connectedness and mental wellbeing in the Scottish islands2023/12/01English
Child-to-parent intergenerational support and its association with subjective well-being among older adults: A cross-national comparison of American and Korean parents2023/12/01English
Health and wellbeing impacts of housing converted from non-residential buildings: A mixed-methods exploratory study in London, UK2024/01/01English
The role of life purpose on psychosocial health: A preliminary study of older adults residing in subsidized housing2024/01/01English
The Mountain Hall and the Smart Club: The Architecture of Emergency Reception in Norwegian Cities2024/01/01English
Are “desirable” cities really so desirable? City characteristics and subjective well-being in the U.S.2023/01/01English
Assessing the psychometric properties of a modified global wellbeing measure in Ghana2023/01/01English
Altered place engagement since COVID-19: A multi-method study of community participation and health among older americans2024/01/01English
The applicability of nature-based interventions to support mothers’ postnatal wellbeing: A conceptual review2024/01/01English
A qualitative study of refugee men's mental health in non-metropolitan Manitoba2023/12/01English
Immigrant attraction and retention: An exploration of local government policies2023/12/01English
“You don't have to perform for the trees”: The longer-term effects of nature-based interventions on wellbeing2023/12/01English
Feeling good in People's House Absalon, Copenhagen: An enabling neighborhood gathering place2024/01/01English
Gender and public works intervention in rural Ghana: An empowerment framework perspective2023/12/01English
Supporting wellbeing through place-making in virtual musicking for older adults2023/12/01English
“I don't like it, but it is nice…”: A qualitative study of Canadian young people and contemporary experiences of nature2023/12/01English