Ocean Engineering

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Leader–follower formation control of underactuated autonomous underwater vehicles2010/12/01English375
Numerical simulation of three dimensional cavitation shedding dynamics with special emphasis on cavitation–vortex interaction2014/09/01English298
Advancements in the field of autonomous underwater vehicle2019/06/01English270
A survey of techniques and challenges in underwater localization2011/10/01English260
Hybrid frequency–time domain models for dynamic response analysis of marine structures2008/05/01English252
Validation of a lumped-mass mooring line model with DeepCwind semisubmersible model test data2015/08/01English242
Full-scale unsteady RANS CFD simulations of ship behaviour and performance in head seas due to slow steaming2015/03/01English235
Review of the current status, technology and future trends of offshore wind farms2020/08/01English233
Study on collision avoidance in busy waterways by using AIS data2010/04/01English232
Adaptive sliding-mode attitude control for autonomous underwater vehicles with input nonlinearities2016/09/01English220
Loads for use in the design of ships and offshore structures2014/03/01English215
Current status and future of ocean energy sources: A global review2018/01/01English214
The potential of wetlands in reducing storm surge2010/01/01English207
Experimental investigation of pressure distribution on a rectangular tank due to the liquid sloshing2005/08/01English199
Practical control of underactuated ships2010/09/01English194
Vortex shedding suppression and wake control: A review2016/11/01English194
Path following of underactuated marine surface vessels using line-of-sight based model predictive control2010/02/01English190
Experimental investigation of Reynolds number effect on vortex induced vibration of rigid circular cylinder on elastic supports2011/04/01English188
Hydraulic performance and wave loadings of perforated/slotted coastal structures: A review2011/07/01English185
Automatic detection of shoreline change on coastal Ramsar wetlands of Turkey2011/07/01English178
Three-dimensional liquid sloshing in a tank with baffles2009/02/01English178
Assessing the China Sea wind energy and wave energy resources from 1988 to 20092013/06/01English175
Bed friction and dissipation in a combined current and wave motion1985/01/01English174
Review of ship safety domains: Models and applications2017/11/01English174
Terminal sliding mode control for the trajectory tracking of underactuated Autonomous Underwater Vehicles2017/01/01English172
Wave-height distributions and nonlinear effects2007/08/01English171
Improving wave predictions with artificial neural networks2004/04/01English170
A method for detecting possible near miss ship collisions from AIS data2015/10/01English170
Modelling and control of oscillating-body wave energy converters with hydraulic power take-off and gas accumulator2007/10/01English168
Numerical investigation of wave–structure interaction using OpenFOAM2014/09/01English166