Ocean Engineering

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Ship energy-saving device: Influence of the scale effect and hull roughness on the resistance reduction effect of an interceptor2023/11/01English
Comparison of a spectral wave model with a fully nonlinear potential flow wave model2023/11/01English
Strength damage behavior analysis of silicon carbide(SiC) ceramic cylindrical shells under hydrostatic pressure based on the state-based peridynamics2023/10/01English
Human-induced noise study for cruise cabin: Numerical analysis and experimental validation2023/10/01English
Dynamic modeling and switching analysis of all-attitude multimode underwater vehicle for multidimensional data acquisition2023/10/01English
Numerical study on the force mechanism of the superstructure of offshore box bridge under tsunami actions2023/10/01English
Numerical analysis of wake field and unsteady forces on submarine propeller with twisted rudders2023/11/01English
A comprehensive analysis of a numerical self-propulsion procedure for high-speed marine vehicles2023/11/01English
Dominant factors responsible for wave modulation in the macro-tidal Gyeonggi Bay of the Yellow Sea2023/11/01English
Experimental investigation of the evolution and energy transmission of a type-a internal solitary wave packet over a gentle slope2023/11/01English
Buckling and failure behavior of the silicon carbide (SiC) ceramic cylindrical shell under hydrostatic pressure2023/11/01English
Editorial Board2023/09/01English
Virtual PMM captive tests using OpenFOAM to estimate hydrodynamic derivatives and vessel maneuverability2023/10/01English
Hydrodynamic interaction between two polygonal cylinders in uniform potential flow2023/10/01English
A method based on virtual hinges for multi-underwater glider formation2023/10/01English
A method for improving the hydrostatic pressure testing of the compressive strength of solid buoyancy materials used at full ocean depth2023/10/01English
A proposed emergency response site selection for preventing pollution and collision effects using neutrosophic evaluation based on distance from average solution method and a numerical application in the Strait of Canakkale (Dardanelles)2023/10/01English
Dynamic responses of a transversely isotropic poroelastic seabed subjected to nonlinear random waves with emphasis on liquefaction depth2023/10/01English
Coupled responses of the flow-induced vibration and flow-induced rotation of a rigid cylinder-plate body2023/10/01English
A semi-analytical method of passive heave compensator for the splash zone crossing: Modeling and application2023/10/01English
Maneuverability indices estimation of nonlinear response model based on full-scale trial data and square root unscented Kalman filter2023/10/01English
Experimental evaluation of the pull-out behavior of suction caissons in saturated sand soil2023/10/01English
A numerical study on the hydrodynamics of a floating tidal rotor under the combined effects of currents and waves2023/10/01English
A multi-drive aerodynamic load simulator for floating wind turbine model tests: Development, test and application2023/10/01English
An information-entropy-inspired optimal layout method for structural stress sensors of supersized open caissons2023/10/01English
Effect of the buffer blocks in attenuating a tsunami-like flow2023/10/01English
Novel ship fuel consumption modelling approaches for speed and trim optimisation: Using engine data as auxiliary2023/10/01English
Propagation characteristics of tsunami waves in shear flow based on the Boussinesq model with constant vorticity2023/10/01English
The effects of domain division types on the performance prediction of a rim-driven thruster2023/11/01English
Editorial Board2023/10/01English