Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
One-floor building as elasto-plastic oscillator subject to and interacting with Gaussian base motion1997/01/01English
Response level crossing rate of a linear system excited by a partially specified Gaussian load process2002/01/01English
Nonlinear systems driven by polynomials of filtered Poisson processes1999/01/01English
Filter approach to the stochastic analysis of MDOF wind-excited structures1999/10/01English
Probabilistic evaluation of fuselage-type composite structures1999/01/01English
Probability and conditional moments of multivariate uniform random variables satisfying a linear inequality constraint. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 1992;7:65–742000/07/01English
A nonlinear stochastic model of fatigue crack dynamics1997/01/01English
Choice of input fields in stochastic finite elements1999/01/01English
A non-stationary stochastic model for periodic excitation with random phase modulation1995/01/01English
Some thoughts on averaging techniques in stochastic dynamics2000/01/01English
Linear and nonlinear systems with non-Gaussian white noise input1995/01/01English
Asymptotic analysis and linearization of the randomly perturbed two-wells Duffing oscillator1997/07/01English
Prediction of extreme response of nonlinear structures by extended stochastic linearization1995/01/01English
On one-dimensional random fields with fixed end values1999/10/01English
Editorial Board2023/01/01English
Wind speed monitoring using entropy theory and a copula-based approach2024/01/01English
A novel non-intrusive ROM for randomly excited linear dynamical systems with high stochastic dimension using ANN2024/01/01English
Random distribution of interphase characteristics on the overall electro-mechanical properties of CNT piezo nanocomposite: Micromechanical modeling and Monte Carlo simulation2024/01/01English
Effect of interface roughness on the elastic properties of 3D layered media2024/01/01English
A novel general method for simulating a one dimensional random field based on the active learning Kriging model2024/01/01English
A practical approach for sampling the Longuet–Higgins distribution for engineering applications2022/04/01English
Higher-order analysis for random vibration of stochastic structures under Gaussian stationary excitation2022/04/01English
Editorial Board2020/04/01English
Combinatorial analysis for probabilistic assessment of dependent failures in systems and portfolios2020/07/01English
Editorial Board2021/07/01English
Validating a six-degrees-of-freedom maneuvering in irregular-waves code for extreme conditions—The practical aspects2020/10/01English
Editorial Board2018/06/01English
Editorial Board2018/04/01English
An integral transform approach for solving partial differential equations with stochastic excitation2016/04/01English