Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Editorial Board2022/10/01English
Material database optimization using Monte Carlo method in engineering application2001/10/01English
Papers published in volume 121998/01/01English
Numerical solution of first passage problems using an approximate Chapman-Kolmogorov relation1998/07/01English
Vibrations of the beam due to a load moving with stochastic velocity2001/01/01English
Dynamics analysis of distributed parameter system subjected to a moving oscillator with random mass, velocity and acceleration2002/01/01English
A solution method for linear and geometrically nonlinear MDOF systems with random properties subject to random excitation1998/04/01English
A probabilistic framework for detecting and identifying anomalies1997/04/01English
Extreme quantile estimation using order statistics with minimum cross-entropy principle2001/01/01English
Other contents2000/10/01English
A Monte Carlo solution of transport equations1998/07/01English
A comparison of methods for the statistics of slow-drift oscillations1998/04/01English
A simplified analysis for the evaluation of stochastic response of elasto-plastic oscillators1999/07/01English
Transition from partial factors method to Simulation-Based Reliability Assessment in structural design1999/01/01English
Random disturbances, airplane loads and its fatigue life2000/07/01English
Event oriented system analysis2000/07/01English
Linear systems driven by martingale noise2001/04/01English
Higher order statistics of the response of linear systems excited by polynomials of filtered Poisson pulses1999/01/01English
Two-phase optimized experimental design for fatigue limit testing2024/01/01English
Random walks and moving boundaries: Estimating the penetration of diffusants into dense rubbers2023/10/01English
A harmonic-wavelet-based representation for non-stationary stochastic excitations2023/07/01English
The two-level probabilistic description of the compressive constitutive parameters of concrete2023/04/01English
Strongly non-linear stochastic response of a system with random initial imperfections1999/01/01English
Redundancy and robustness of systems of events2000/10/01English
Linear systems with polynomials of filtered Poisson processes1997/04/01English
Non-parametric system identification from non-linear stochastic response2001/07/01English
Analysis of multi-degree of freedom strongly non-linear mechanical systems with random input1999/07/01English
Simulation of random vectors with given moments2001/04/01English
Markov based correlations of damage cycles in Gaussian and non-Gaussian loads1995/01/01English