Nuclear Engineering and Design

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Critical configuration of a SMR based on CAREM 25 using the SERPENT codeEnglish
Electricity-producing space device1966/05/01English
Vibration response analysis of mobile liquid Pb-Bi micro-reactors under transportation with liquid sloshingEnglish
Numerical investigation of the migration and retention of corrosion particles in a lead-cooled fast reactorEnglish
Subdiffusive processes in BWRsEnglish
Experimental investigation of countercurrent flow limitation (CCFL) in a 1/19 scale of VVER-1000 geometryEnglish
Nonlinear stability analysis of sodium cooled fast reactorsEnglish
Neutronic assessment of IPR-R1 TRIGA using Serpent 2.1.32 codeEnglish
Fuel cladding chemical interactions for MOX fuel in fast reactorsEnglish
Efficient characterization for building clearance during decommissioning using automatized surface contamination measurementsEnglish
Modeling and analysis of deaerator using constant pressure operation strategy for SMREnglish
Experimental burn-up analysis of ITU Triga Mark II reactor fuel elementsEnglish
Characterization of leakage jet flow field and wall vibration of steam generator pipesEnglish
OFF-LINE system for determination of the residual life of vessels by experts1997/12/01English
Estimates of the service lifetime of 304 stainless steel for use in the blanket region of the LANL ABC system1999/12/01English
Containment inservice inspection: where do we go from here?1996/11/01English
The use of MRI to quantify multi-phase flow patterns and transitions: an application to horizontal slug flow1998/08/01English
Deterioration of PCPV concrete2000/06/01English
The application of mechanical and thermal cutting tools for the dismantling of activated internals of the reactor pressure vessels in the Versuchsatomkraftwerk, Kahl and the Gundremmingen Unit A1997/07/01English
Systems organization for the European pressurized water reactor (EPR)1999/01/01English
Control oriented modeling of VVER-1200 using Modelica2024/04/01English
Diagnostics of piping by ambient vibration analysis2000/05/01English
The basic concept to ensure the integrity of components during operation1997/07/01English
Nuclear power in the Soviet Union and in Russia1997/10/01English
Vibration monitoring of the Atucha-I NPP reactor vessel: experience and future improvements1998/07/01English
Rupture and fragmentation of pressurized pipes and fast reactor fuel pins1995/06/01English
Safety of fast neutron reactor power units under operation and design in Russia1997/10/01English
Results of examinations of pressure vessel samples and instrument nozzles from the TMI-2 lower head1997/04/01English
Shear-bending buckling analyses of fast breeder reactor main vessels1995/01/01