Nuclear Engineering and Design

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Modelling the loss and recovery of electric power1995/07/01English
Candu type fuel behavior during rapid overpower transients1998/02/01English
Subject index of volume 1691997/06/01English
Large spreading of core melt for melt retention—stabilization1995/08/01English
Effect of reverse cyclic loading on the fracture resistance curve in C(T) specimen1999/07/01English
Thermal hydraulic study on a high-temperature gas–gas heat exchanger with helically coiled tube bundles1998/10/01English
Dynamic response analysis of tube array in calandria to rotational vault motion2001/04/01English
On possibility of direct electroionizing conversion of nuclear energy to electricity1999/02/01English
Contents of volume 1681997/05/01English
Replacement of the feedwater piping system in the reactor building outside the containment at Philippsburg I nuclear power station1999/10/01English
Development of ‘Pad Element’ for detailed core deformation analyses and its verification2002/04/01English
Seismic design of nuclear facilities in Germany1997/07/01English
Benchmark exercise on expert judgment techniques in PSA Level 22001/11/01English
Protection against high-energy line breaks in WWER power plants2001/06/01English
Visualization study of molten metal–water interaction by using neutron radiography1999/05/01English
Effect of small openings on strength and stiffness of shear walls in reactor buildings1995/06/01English
A 3-D Lagrangian stochastic model for the meso-scale atmospheric dispersion applications2001/08/01English
Analysis of abnormal operation of condenser water chamber evacuation system in nuclear power plants2024/04/01English
Creating the foundations for safe nuclear power in Finland – Thermal hydraulics, safety analyses, safety justification methods research at the LUT University, 2000–20232024/04/01English
Using MELCOR with enhanced predictive capabilities via thermochimica to model two severe accident cases of a generic BWR with Zry-2 and FeCrAl2024/04/01English
The neutron one-point branching process simulation2024/04/01English
Experimental results of thermocline evolution in a water pool under combined effect of steam venting and water injection2024/04/01English
Sustaining regional Nuclear Human Capacity Building in Europe2024/04/01English
A new dynamic rod worth measurement method based on the transient spatial factor2024/04/01English
Numerical investigation of transient hydrodynamic properties during reflood with early power termination using the COSINE subchannel code2024/04/01English
Numerical analysis and validation on heat transfer characteristics and correlation of molten salt in pebble bed channel2024/03/01English
Effects of circumferential weld-induced imperfections on the buckling behavior of fabricated steel toroidal shells2024/03/01English
Refractory geopolymers: Thermal shock resistant material for nuclear safety2024/03/01English
Self-compensation in creep of pressurized cladding tubes: From self-limitation in dry storage to self-acceleration in burst tests2023/11/01English