Nuclear Engineering and Design

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Dynamics of fission gas release from molten nuclear fuel1996/10/01English
Liquid–liquid interface stability in accelerating and constant-velocity tube flows2001/12/01English
Contents of volume 1671997/04/01English
Thermal limits calculation for a BWR plant Simulator2024/04/01English
Irradiation behavior of ground and atomized U-7Mo dispersion fuels irradiated to low burnup2024/04/01English
A model for predicting pellet-cladding interaction-induced fuel rod failure1995/06/01English
Some aspects of risk reduction strategy by multiple recycling in fast burner reactors of the plutonium and minor actinide inventories1997/07/01English
Simulation of reactivity transients in a miniature neutron source reactor core2002/04/01English
Quantitative prediction of natural circulation in an LMFR with a similarity law and a water test1997/12/01English
Integrated computerisation of operating procedures2002/04/01English
Fatigue—determination of a more realistic usage factor2001/06/01English
A coupled RELAP5-3D/CFD methodology with a proof-of-principle calculation2001/03/01English
Acceleration calibration method for the drop test of radioactive package based on the rebound of specimen2023/05/01English
Flow regime transitions for Aiding flow around a heated cylinder: A numerical and experimental investigation2023/04/01English
DEC safety evaluations and challenges in Belgium2023/06/01English
Editorial Board2023/04/01English
Damage tolerance in the graphite cores of UK power reactors and implications for new build2023/05/01English
Verification and validation of a lower plenum mixing test at the OSU High Temperature Test Facility2023/05/01English
Assessing the collaborative quality value in nuclear power intelligent construction: A value chain analysis method based on double-layer GERT network2024/03/01English
Oxide characteristics of 90Nb-10Zr alloy corroded under different water chemistry conditions2024/04/01English
Investigation of dynamic strain aging in SA106 Gr.C piping steel1997/07/01English
Study on the effect of the crack length on the JIC value1997/10/01English
Operation of the IR-8 reactor with IRT-3M type fuel assemblies1998/06/01English
Phenomenological studies on melt-coolant interactions in the ALPHA program1995/04/01English
Crack shape evolution of surface flaws under fatigue loading of austenitic pipes1997/10/01English
Core to surge-line energy transport in a severe accident scenario1995/03/01English
Seismic individual plant examination of external events of US nuclear power plants: insights and implications1997/11/01English
An update of preliminary perspectives gained from individual plant examination of external events (IPEEE) submittal reviews1999/12/01English
Design of a gadolinia bearing mixed-oxide fuel assembly for pressurized water reactors1997/07/01English
Artificial neural networks in CT–PT contact detection in a PHWR1998/07/01English