Nuclear Engineering and Design

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A proposed method of calculating displacement dose rates1975/08/01English1,191
How to use damage mechanics1984/07/01English824
Review of two-phase flow instability1973/07/01English549
Two-fluid model and hydrodynamic constitutive relations1984/10/01English530
MOOSE: A parallel computational framework for coupled systems of nonlinear equations2009/10/01English495
Ductile fracture models and their potential in local approach of fracture1987/12/01English493
Ultimate strength analysis of prestressed concrete pressure vessels1968/04/01English461
Continuous damage mechanics — A tool to describe phenomena before crack initiation1981/04/01English387
Design and development of the AHWR—the Indian thorium fuelled innovative nuclear reactor2006/04/01English386
Westinghouse AP1000 advanced passive plant2006/08/01English362
Heat transfer to supercritical fluids flowing in channels—empirical correlations (survey)2004/05/01English332
Fundamental frequency analysis of functionally graded beams by using different higher-order beam theories2010/04/01English323
Peridynamic modeling of concrete structures2007/07/01English309
Current status and technical description of Chinese 2×250MWth HTR-PM demonstration plant2009/07/01English295
Hydrodynamic models and correlations for bare and wire-wrapped hexagonal rod bundles — Bundle friction factors, subchannel friction factors and mixing parameters1986/04/01English294
A review of correlations to model the packing structure and effective thermal conductivity in packed beds of mono-sized spherical particles2010/07/01English292
Fluid flow and convective heat transfer to fluids at supercritical pressure2013/11/01English286
The physical closure laws in the CATHARE code1990/12/01English280
New discrete models and their application to seismic response analysis of structures1978/06/01English259
Experimental heat transfer in supercritical water flowing inside channels (survey)2005/11/01English257
Numerical investigation on thermal–hydraulic performance of new printed circuit heat exchanger model2008/12/01English250
A review of procedures for the analysis and design of concrete structures to resist missile impact effects1976/05/01English245
The 2006 CHF look-up table2007/09/01English241
Multiple-station ground motion processing and simulation based on smart-1 array data1989/02/01English241
Molten salt reactors: A new beginning for an old idea2010/06/01English237
Current status of materials development of nuclear fuel cladding tubes for light water reactors2017/05/01English221
CFD modelling of subcooled boiling—Concept, validation and application to fuel assembly design2007/04/01English214
Probabilistic seismic safety study of an existing nuclear power plant1980/08/01English212
MAX phase carbides and nitrides: Properties for future nuclear power plant in-core applications and neutron transmutation analysis2012/03/01English209
The 1995 look-up table for critical heat flux in tubes1996/06/01English204