Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Alternative estimators in logistic regression when the data are collinear1986/08/01English67
Reliability estimation in generalized inverted exponential distribution with progressively type II censored sample2013/06/01English67
Multistage plug—in bandwidth selection for kernel distribution function estimates2000/01/01English66
Comprehensive study of tests for normality and symmetry: extending the Spiegelhalter test2006/09/01English66
Algorithmic complexity: threeNP- hard problems in computational statistics1982/06/01English65
Conditional confidence interval estimation for the inverse weibull distribution based on censored generalized order statistics2003/12/01English65
A new synthetic control chart for monitoring process mean using auxiliary information2016/02/16English64
Failure–censored reliability sampling plans for the exponential distribution1995/07/01English64
The type I half-logistic family of distributions2015/04/09English63
Least absolute value regression: recent contributions2005/04/01English63
A Monte Carlo comparison of the Type I and Type II error rates of tests of multivariate normality2005/02/01English62
Weighted exponential distribution: properties and different methods of estimation2015/01/02English62
Small-sample adjustments to tests with unbalanced repeated measures assuming several covariance structures1990/10/01English61
Comparison of ARIMA, neural networks and hybrid models in time series: tourist arrival forecasting2007/01/01English61
Reparameterizing the generalized linear model to accelerate gibbs sampler convergence1996/04/01English60
Confidence intervals on linear combinations of variance components that are unrestricted in sign1990/04/01English60
Adaptive importance sampling in monte carlo integration1992/07/01English59
A significance test for classifying arma models1996/06/01English58
Parameters estimation for weibull distributed lifetimes under progressive censoring with random removeals1996/09/01English57
A simulation study of some simple estimators for the three-parameter weibull distribution1979/06/01English56
Developing a variables repetitive group sampling plan based on process capability indexCpkwith unknown mean and variance2013/08/01English55
Estimation methods for the discrete Poisson–Lindley distribution2009/01/01English55
A Monte Carlo investigation of some tests for stochastic dominance2004/05/01English54
Tests for goodness of fit in ordinal logistic regression models2016/03/03English54
Estimation ofP(X>Y) with Topp–Leone distribution2013/02/01English54
New test for the multivariate two-sample problem based on the concept of minimum energy2005/02/01English53
The Topp–Leone odd log-logistic family of distributions2017/07/17English53
Parameter estimation of three-parameter Weibull distribution based on progressively Type-II censored samples2012/11/01English52
The Burr XII System of densities: properties, regression model and applications2017/10/24English52
Some Liu and ridge-type estimators and their properties under the ill-conditioned Gaussian linear regression model2012/01/01English52