Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Turing’s anticipation of empirical bayes in connection with the cryptanalysis of the naval enigma*2000/05/01English51
Generating missing values for simulation purposes: a multivariate amputation procedure2018/07/02English51
INLA or MCMC? A tutorial and comparative evaluation for spatial prediction in log-Gaussian Cox processes2013/04/18English51
Exact likelihood inference based on an unified hybrid censored sample from the exponential distribution2008/05/01English50
The gamma-Lomax distribution2013/08/01English50
The exponentiated generalized gamma distribution with application to lifetime data2011/07/01English50
A bootstrap method for comparing correlated kappa coefficients2008/11/01English50
Statistical estimation for the parameters of Weibull distribution based on progressively type-I interval censored sample2009/02/01English50
Nonparametric probability density estimation1972/07/01English50
Power studies of some tests for uniformity1977/01/01English50
C140. Standardized tail-area prosabilities1982/12/01English49
Bayesian estimation of the parameters,reliability and failure rate functions of the burr type xii failure model1992/05/01English49
The block replacement problem with minima! repair and random repair costs1982/06/01English49
Tables of gehan's generalized Wilcoxon test with fixed point censoring1974/01/01English49
Bayesian Estimation and Model Choice in Item Response Models2002/01/01English49
A constrained em algorithm for univariate normal mixtures1986/01/01English49
Comparison of the mixture and the classification maximum likelihood in cluster analysis1993/10/01English49
A new estimator of entropy and its application in testing normality2010/10/01English49
Bayesian and maximum likelihood estimations of the inverse Weibull parameters under progressive type-II censoring2013/04/22English48
Effect of measurement error on exponentially weighted moving average control charts under ranked set sampling schemes2014/01/08English48
Updating input–output matrices: assessing alternatives through simulation2009/10/27English48
Parameter estimation of the hybrid censored log-normal distribution2011/03/01English47
A Bayes analysis of modified Weibull distribution via Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation2010/03/01English47
Best linear unbiased estimators of location and scale parameters of the half logistic distribution1986/09/01English47
MDEWMA chart: an efficient and robust alternative to monitor process dispersion2013/02/01English47
Sample size and power determination for stratified clinical trials1978/10/01English46
Regression analysis of correlated binary data: some small sample results for the estimating equation approach1992/08/01English46
Zero-inflated and overdispersed: what's one to do?2013/09/01English46
A comparison of tests for multivariate normality that are based on measures of multivariate skewness and kurtosis1992/08/01English45
Variable repetitive group sampling plans with process loss consideration2011/11/01English45