International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being

Title Publication Date Language Citations
What can “thematic analysis” offer health and wellbeing researchers?2014/01/01English1,457
The “core category” of grounded theory: Making constant comparisons2006/01/01English285
The essence of essences – the search for meaning structures in phenomenological analysis of lifeworld phenomena2006/01/01English242
Skype interviewing: The new generation of online synchronous interview in qualitative research2014/01/01English236
The humanization of healthcare: A value framework for qualitative research2009/01/01English189
Methodology or method? A critical review of qualitative case study reports2014/01/01English182
Hermeneutics, human sciences and health: linking theory and practice2007/01/01English168
Phenomenographic or phenomenological analysis: does it matter? Examples from a study on anaesthesiologists’ work2007/01/01English156
Researcher–researched relationship in qualitative research: Shifts in positions and researcher vulnerability2016/01/01English117
Obesity, stigma, and responsibility in health care: A synthesis of qualitative studies2011/01/01English106
Doctoral students’ well-being: a literature review2018/01/01English100
The enigmatic phenomenon of loneliness2007/01/01English94
Music, health, and well-being: A review2013/01/01English93
Well-being in the workplace through interaction between individual characteristics and organizational context2013/01/01English86
“Caring for insiderness”: Phenomenologically informed insights that can guide practice2014/01/01English79
Orthorexia nervosa: An integrative literature review of a lifestyle syndrome2015/01/01English78
“Dwelling-mobility”: An existential theory of well-being2010/01/01English75
Health consequences of workplace bullying: experiences from the perspective of employees in the public service sector2006/01/01English73
Women’s experiences of fear of childbirth: a metasynthesis of qualitative studies2019/12/20English73
Kinds of well-being: A conceptual framework that provides direction for caring2011/01/01English72
Suffering caused by care—Patients’ experiences from hospital settings2012/01/01English71
Long-term memories and experiences of childbirth in a Nordic context—a secondary analysis2009/01/01English65
Promoting wellbeing and health through active participation in music and dance: a systematic review2020/01/01English65
Children's understandings’ of obesity, a thematic analysis2011/01/01English65
A decade of metasynthesis research in health sciences: A meta-method study2007/01/01English64
Coping strategies to manage acculturative stress: Meaningful activity participation, social support, and positive emotion among Korean immigrant adolescents in the USA2012/01/01English64
Quality of interactions influences everyday life in psychiatric inpatient care—patients’ perspectives2016/01/01English63
Mothers’ and fathers’ lived experiences of postpartum depression and parental stress after childbirth: a qualitative study2020/01/01English62
The experience of daily life of acutely admitted frail elderly patients one week after discharge from the hospital2015/01/01English60
Self-respect through ability to keep fear of frailty at a distance: Successful ageing from the perspective of community-dwelling older people2013/01/01English60