International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Living with a double burden: Meanings of pain for women with fibromyalgia2011/01/01English60
The hard work of self-management: Living with chronic knee pain2011/01/01English60
Patient decision making in the face of conflicting medication information2012/01/01English59
It's not just a knee, but a whole life: A qualitative descriptive study on patients’ experiences of living with knee osteoarthritis and their expectations for knee arthroplasty2016/01/01English58
How community-dwelling seniors with multimorbidity conceive the concept of mental health and factors that may influence it: A phenomenographic study2012/01/01English57
Benefits and stressors – Perceived effects of ICT use on employee health and work stress: An exploratory study from Austria and Hong Kong2015/01/01English56
Happiness in the neonatal intensive care unit: Merits of ethnographic fieldwork2012/01/01English55
Severe breastfeeding difficulties: Existential lostness as a mother—Women's lived experiences of initiating breastfeeding under severe difficulties2012/01/01English55
Measuring pursuits, marking self: Meaning construction in chronic illness2006/01/01English54
“It is not the diet; it is the mental part we need help with.” A multilevel analysis of psychological, emotional, and social well-being in obesity2017/01/01English54
Health benefits of serious involvement in leisure activities among older Korean adults2014/01/01English53
Struggling for existence—Life situation experiences of older persons with mental disorders2012/01/01English53
After colonic surgery: The lived experience of participating in a fast-track programme2009/01/01English53
Experience of stress in parents of children with ADHD: A qualitative study2019/01/01English52
“Peers, parents and phones”—Swedish adolescents and health promotion2012/01/01English50
The quality of qualitative data: Issues to consider when interviewing participants who have difficulties providing detailed accounts of their experiences2007/01/01English50
“My quality of life is worse compared to my earlier life”2010/01/01English50
‘They don't understand…you cut yourself in order to live.’ Interpretative repertoires jointly constructing interactions between adult women who self-harm and professional caregivers.2011/01/01English50
Social isolation and exclusion: the parents' experience of caring for children with rare neurodevelopmental disorders2020/01/01English49
Understanding everyday life of morbidly obese adults-habits and body image2012/01/01English48
Being mothers and fathers of a child with type 1 diabetes aged 1 to 7 years: a phenomenological study of parents’ experiences2018/01/01English47
Facing the fear of failure: An explorative qualitative study of client experiences in a mindfulness-based stress reduction program for university students with academic evaluation anxiety2015/01/01English47
Life situation and identity among single older home-living people: A phenomenological–hermeneutic study2012/01/01English44
Life interrupted and life regained? Coping with stroke at a young age2014/01/01English43
Aphasia – an existential loneliness: A study on the loss of the world of symbols2006/01/01English42
Balancing extensive ambition and a context overflowing with opportunities and demands: A grounded theory on stress and recovery among highly educated working young women entering male-dominated occupational areas2011/01/01English42
Well-being as being well—a Heideggerian look at well-being2006/01/01English42
Struggle with a gap between intensive care units and general wards2009/01/01English42
Joyful and serious intentions in the work of hospital clowns: A meta-analysis based on a 7-year research project conducted in three parts2013/01/01English41
The lived experiences of street children in Durban, South Africa: Violence, substance use, and resilience2016/01/01English41