Children's Geographies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Discourses of discipline. An anthropology of corporal punishment in Japan’s schools and sports2016/05/24English
Global childhoods: issues and debates2016/05/21English
Young people making it work: continuity and change in rural places2013/11/01English
Geographies of Alternative Education: diverse learning spaces for children and young people2013/10/31English
Reconceptualizing children's rights in international development: living rights, social justice, translations2014/02/07English
Key thinkers in childhood studies: The SAGE handbook of child research2015/03/17English
Migrant youth, transnational families, and the state: care and contested interests2015/01/30English
Crescent City Girls: The Lives of Young Black Women in Segregated New Orleans2018/07/16English
Generationing development: a relational approach to children, youth and development2019/05/07English
What happened to adventurous young people and their cool places?2018/11/07English
Migranthood: youth in a New Era of deportation2020/09/22English
Mapping the moral geographies of education: character, citizenship and values Sarah Mills2021/12/20English
Becoming a student representative in Brazil: a phenomenological study of students with intellectual disabilities2022/01/18English
Intergenerational language practices, linguistic capital and place: the case of Greek-Cypriot Migrant Families in the UK2021/11/15English
Play diversity and student agency in the redevelopment of a school playspace2021/11/23English
Children’s cartographies of the world: mapping Brazilian modes, methods and moments2022/04/07English
Trapped Mobility: a theoretical framework and literature review focusing on displaced youth at the borders between the Global South and Global North2021/04/13English
The street, children and parents: the views of children from Santiago de Chile2022/07/21English
Zones of comfort and imaginability: using Participatory Video Interviewing to explore ecologies of resilience in Guatemala City2022/10/29English
Saving the children: Humanitarianism, internationalism and empire2022/09/05English
Adolescents in Humanitarian Crisis. Displacement, Gender and Social Inequalities2022/09/05English
The right to the school: urban schooling, place-based education, and youth agency at the intersection of gentrification2022/10/21English
Investigating children’s affective geographies of Chinese language and culture education2022/10/19English
Editorial Board2010/10/27English
Youth in Contemporary Europe2011/02/01English
Contested Bodies2011/02/01English
Youth studies: an introduction2014/04/28English
Childhood in a Sri Lankan village: shaping hierarchy and desire2015/10/05English
Young people, borders and well-being: multi-disciplinary and international perspectives2015/10/28English
Editorial Board2015/10/28English