The Language Learning Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Chinese language teaching in the UK: present and future2010/04/01English31
Using a shared L1 to reduce cognitive overload and anxiety levels in the L2 classroom2014/04/23English31
Foreign language teachers’ language proficiency and their language teaching practice2013/07/01English31
Preferences for interactional feedback: differences between learners and teachers2012/08/01English31
Experiences of learning French: a snapshot at Years 11, 12 and 132002/06/01English30
The influence of context on patterns of corrective feedback and learner uptake: a comparison of CLIL and immersion classrooms2014/03/14English30
Exploring the hidden agenda in the representation of culture in international and localised ELT textbooks2014/01/22English30
Teaching in the target language: Problems and prospects1990/09/01English30
Intercultural communicative competence in foreign language education: questions of theory, practice and research2013/11/01English29
The comprehending teacher: scaffolding in content and language integrated learning (CLIL)2020/01/27English29
Task-based language teaching: For the state secondary FL classroom?2005/06/01English29
Developing a multilingual identity in the languages classroom: the influence of an identity-based pedagogical intervention2021/04/09English28
Self-efficacy and self-regulation and their relationship: a study of Iranian EFL teachers2013/04/01English28
Second language motivation research 2010–2019: a synthetic exploration2021/01/13English27
Dynamic L3 selves: a longitudinal study of five university L3 learners’ motivational trajectories in China2017/10/04English27
Task repetition and its impact on EFL children’s negotiation of meaning strategies and pair dynamics: an exploratory study2016/07/04English27
Vocabulary explanations in CLIL classrooms: a conversation analysis perspective2015/07/29English27
Language learning strategies and English proficiency: interpretations from information-processing theory2012/10/24English27
Vocabulary breadth in French L2 learners2008/12/01English26
‘Cultural awareness’ as vocabulary learning1997/09/01English26
Learner strategies and advanced level listening comprehension2003/12/01English26
Modern foreign languages recruitment post-16: the pupils' perspective2001/06/01English26
Translation in language teaching: insights from professional translator training2011/11/01English25
The beliefs of two expert EFL learners2011/04/01English24
Vocabulary input from school textbooks as a potential contributor to the small vocabulary uptake gained by English as a foreign language learners in Saudi Arabia2012/03/02English24
Learning vocabulary with the support of sustained exposure to captioned video: do proficiency and aptitude make a difference?2019/05/24English24
Assessment instruments for primary CLIL: the conceptualisation and evaluation of test tasks2014/03/28English24
Intensive vocabulary learning: a case study2008/12/01English24
Erasmus students using English as alingua franca: does study abroad in a non-English-speaking country improve L2 English?2016/07/02English24
Levels of foreign language enjoyment, anxiety and boredom in emergency remote teaching and in in-person classes2022/08/16English23