Journal of Applied Communication Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Rethinking validity and reliability in content analysis1999/08/01English855
Best Practices in Crisis Communication: An Expert Panel Process2006/08/01English479
How Audiences Seek Out Crisis Information: Exploring the Social-Mediated Crisis Communication Model2012/05/01English305
"The policy exists but you can't really use it": communication and the structuration of work-family policies2002/01/01English249
Antecedents to willingness to participate in a planned organizational change1994/02/01English241
Why Teleworkers are More Satisfied with Their Jobs than are Office-Based Workers: When Less Contact is Beneficial2010/11/01English226
Stigma Management Communication: A Theory and Agenda for Applied Research on How Individuals Manage Moments of Stigmatized Identity2010/08/01English190
Peer to Peer Lending: The Relationship Between Language Features, Trustworthiness, and Persuasion Success2011/02/01English181
Dialectic, contradiction, or double bind? Analyzing and theorizing employee reactions to organizational tension2004/05/01English178
Communicating about gifts of life: the effect of knowledge, attitudes, and altruism on behavior and behavioral intentions regarding organ donation2002/01/01English173
Affective and cognitive reactions to narrative versus statistical evidence organ donation messages1998/08/01English152
Social support within an on-line cancer community: an assessment of emotional support, perceptions of advantages and disadvantages, and motives for using the community from a communication perspective2002/01/01English148
Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans? Internet Communication, Geographic Community, and Social Capital in Crisis2007/02/01English145
Chaos theory, informational needs, and natural disasters2002/01/01English135
Democracy in the workplace: Theory and practice from the perspective of communication1995/08/01English121
Special Issue Introduction2004/05/01English119
Understanding the audiences of a health communication campaign: A discriminant analysis of potential organ donors based on intent to donate1996/02/01English110
Negotiating Status and Identity Tensions in Healthcare Team Interactions: An Exploration of Nurse Role Dialectics2005/05/01English105
"I'd rather not talk about it": adolescents' and young adults' use of topic avoidance in stepfamilies2002/01/01English104
Crisis Leadership and Hurricane Katrina: The Portrayal of Authority by the Media in Natural Disasters2007/02/01English104
Redefining Hijab: American Muslim Women's Standpoints on Veiling2007/08/01English102
A post-crisis discourse of renewal: the cases of malden mills and cole hardwoods2002/01/01English100
In a different mode: Masculine styles of communicating closeness1993/08/01English99
The Connectivity Paradox: Using Technology to Both Decrease and Increase Perceptions of Distance in Distributed Work Arrangements2010/02/01English98
Antismoking Threat and Efficacy Appeals: Effects on Smoking Cessation Intentions for Smokers with Low and High Readiness to Quit2009/02/01English96
Improving the Effectiveness of Fundraising Messages: The Impact of Charity Goal Attainment, Message Framing, and Evidence on Persuasion2008/05/01English96
“Extra‐class” communication: Frequency, immediacy, self‐disclosure, and satisfaction in student‐faculty interaction outside the classroom1994/08/01English93
Emotion labor at 911: A case study and theoretical critique1998/11/01English91
Compassionate Communication in the Workplace: Exploring Processes of Noticing, Connecting, and Responding2007/08/01English91
Disclosure of sexual abuse by children and adolescents1996/08/01English90