Journal of Applied Communication Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The tragedy of the open society and COVID-19 pandemic: local community resistance to neoliberal hegemony (A multispecies ethnography)2022/09/03English
Call for Papers2010/08/01English
Credibility and distortion in a university collective bargaining campaign1984/09/01English
Editor's note1984/09/01English
An index to thejournal of applied communication research, volumes one to twelve1984/09/01English
Editorial board1984/09/01English
Funding international communication research2002/01/01English
Guest Reviewers2001/01/01English
Doing relevant, funded mass media research2002/01/01English
Creating a departmental culture for communication grants2002/01/01English
Guest Reviewers2003/01/01English
JACR Guest Reviewers2001/01/01English
Funded research in communication: A chairperson's perspective2002/01/01English
Guest reviewers2002/01/01English
About the authors1976/11/01English
Guest Reviewers2005/11/01English
Embodied moments: revisiting the field and writing vulnerably2017/05/17English
Breaching ethics for the sake of a “good” interview2017/05/27English
“Damage control”: exploring communication sense-making within foster exit conversations from the U.S. foster parent perspective2023/05/16English
All joking aside? Comparing the effects of a humorous vs. a non-humorous message strategy in building organization–public relationships and community resilience2023/05/14English
Body politics, reproductive rights, and digital media advocacy within stigmatized contexts: a critical discourse analysis of Weibo discussions on IUDs in modern-day China2023/11/22English
Far-right memespheres and platform affordances: the effects of environmental opacity on the spread of extremist memes on Twitter and WhatsApp2023/11/02English
Temporality tensions in the design of simulation-based training: the case of the Tall Grass local-to-state disaster response exercise2023/11/19English
Challenging color-evasion in democratic dialogue: using critical race discourse analysis to generate practical theory for facilitators2024/03/19English
Engaged learning: lessons learned by subject-matter experts from COVID-19 in the U.S. swine industry2023/03/15English
Learning mutual aid: food justice public pedagogy and community fridge organizing online2024/04/22English
‘Everybody Else in That Room’: support dilemmas and benefits of supportive communication in batterer intervention2024/04/16English
Enacting compassion in mHealth: communicative subprocesses of compassionate coaching and their relationships to resilience during a prolonged pandemic2024/04/15English
Material precarity, performative imperative, and burnout from resilience: surfacing the dark side of resilience laboring in women’s entrepreneurial stories2024/02/20English