Nuclear Physics B

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Parity-invariant lattice regularization of a three-dimensional gauge-fermion system1997/12/22
Addendum to: “Solving the open XXZ spin chain with nondiagonal boundary terms at roots of unity”2002/06/01English
Exotic branes and non-perturbative seven branes2000/05/01English
Non-BPS states and heterotic – type I′ duality2000/04/01English
Supercharges, Killing spinors and intersecting gauge five-branes2000/04/01English
The Dirac sea contribution to the energy of an electroweak string2000/05/01English
On statistical mechanics of instantons in the CP−1 model2000/04/01English
Semileptonic Bc-meson decays in sum rules of QCD and NRQCD2000/03/01English
Dimensional renormalization of Yukawa theories via Wilsonian methods2000/06/01English
The spectrum of a transfer matrix for loops2000/06/01English
Higher-order gravitational couplings and modular forms in N = 2, D = 4 heterotic string compactifications1996/12/09
D-branes and bundles on elliptic fibrations2000/05/01English
QCD running coupling effects for the non-singlet structure function at small x2000/04/01English
Effective weak chiral Lagrangian to (p) in the chiral quark model1999/11/01English
3D physics and the electroweak phase transition: a framework for lattice Monte Carlo analysis1995/05/02
Matter correlations in branched polymers2000/06/01English
Nonabelian monopoles from matrices2000/06/01English
Multi-instantons, three-dimensional gauge theory, and the Gauss-Bonnet-Chern theorem1997/09/01English
Generalized AdS–CFT correspondence for Matrix theory in the large-N limit2000/03/01English
Type IIB superstrings, BPS monopoles, and three-dimensional gauge dynamics1997/05/12
Fivebrane gravitational anomalies2000/06/01English
Unstable particles and non-conserved currents: a generalization of the Fermion-Loop scheme2000/05/01English
Gravity duals of fractional branes and logarithmic RG flow2000/05/01English
Axisymmetric non-abelian BPS monopoles from G2 metrics2002/06/01English
Constraints on phases of supersymmetric flavour conserving couplings2000/03/01English
The exact S -matrix for an osp(2|2) disordered system2000/07/01English
Toward equilibration in the early stages after a high energy heavy ion collision2000/04/01English
Approximations for strongly-coupled supersymmetric quantum mechanics2000/04/01English
Kappa-symmetry of Green–Schwarz actions in coset superspaces2000/05/01English