Behavioral Neuroscience

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Emerging role of the lateral habenula in conditioned inhibition and depression.2024/04/18English
Mediated learning: A computational rendering of ketamine-induced symptoms.2024/04/18English
Organization of spontaneous spatial behaviors under dark conditions is unaffected in adult male and female long–Evans rats after moderate prenatal alcohol exposure.2024/04/18English
Shuttle-box memory facilitation by posttraining intracranial self-stimulation: Differential effects in rats with high and low basic conditioning levels.1996/01/01English
Contributions of the amygdaloid central nucleus to the modulation of the nictitating membrane reflex in the rabbit.1991/01/01English
Reflex facilitation of the rabbit nictitating membrane response by an auditory stimulus as a function of interstimulus interval.1990/01/01English
Spatial contiguity, not cue-to-consequence, is the issue in taste-potentiated noisellness associations: Comment on Holder, Bermudez-Rattoni, and Garcia (1988).1990/01/01English
Effect of stressor intensity on habituation and sensitization of glucocorticoid responses in rats.1990/01/01English
Activity and distribution of learning-related neurons in monkey (Macaca fuscata) prefrontal cortex.1990/01/01English
Classical conditioning to hypoxia using odors as conditioned stimuli in rats.1998/01/01English
Female-enhanced aggression in male rats: Effects of genital anesthesia, castration, or preoptic lesions.1990/01/01English
When pentobarbital is the conditioned stimulus and amphetamine is the unconditioned stimulus, conditioning depends on the type of conditioned response.1990/01/01English
The effects of hippocampal and fimbria-fornix lesions on prepulse inhibition.1999/01/01English
Anxiolytics reverse the acceleration of ejaculation resulting from enforced intercopulatory intervals in rats.1991/01/01English
Effects of lesions to the cerebellar vermis and hemispheres on timing and counting in rats.1999/01/01English
Dopamine-stimulated sexual behavior is testosterone dependent in mice.1998/01/01English
Lesions of the cerebellar vermis and cerebellar hemispheres: Effects on heart rate conditioning in rats.1990/01/01English
Neuroanatomical basis of maternal memory in postpartum rats: Selective role for the nucleus accumbens.1999/01/01English
Infusion of neurotoxic doses of N-methyl-D-aspartate into the lateral hypothalamus in rats produces stomach erosions, hyperthermia, and a disruption in eating behavior.1999/01/01English
Spatial learning and performance in the radial arm maze is impaired after N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor blockade in striatal subregions.1999/01/01English
Oxytocin selectively increases holding and licking of neonates in preweanling but not postweanling juvenile rats.1991/01/01English
Rhinal cortex lesions produce mild deficits in visual discrimination learning for an auditory secondary reinforcer in rhesus monkeys.1999/01/01English
Trace eyeblink conditioning in the freely moving rat: Optimizing the conditioning parameters.1999/01/01English
Ovarian endocrine status modulates the anxiolytic potency of diazepam and the efficacy of !g-aminobutyric acid-benzodiazepine receptor-mediated chloride ion transport.1991/01/01English
Both hypoxia and milk deprivation diminish metabolic heat production and ultrasound emission by rat pups during cold exposure.1991/01/01English
Brain noradrenergic responses to footshock after chronic activity-wheel running.1999/01/01English
Trigeminal lesions and maternal behavior in Norway rats: I. Effects of cutaneous rostral snout denervation on maintenance of nurturance and maternal aggression.1991/01/01English
Evidence for autonomic^autonomic dissociation: An alternative to Dworkin and Dworkin (1990).1991/01/01English
Long-lasting increase in anxiety after electrolytic lesions of the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus.1999/01/01English
Disconnection of the amygdala central nucleus and substantia innominata/nucleus basalis disrupts increments in conditioned stimulus processing in rats.1999/01/01English