IATSS Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Mobility as a service policy planning, deployments and trials in Taiwan2019/12/01English24
Which factors lead to driving errors? A structural equation model analysis through a driving simulator experiment2019/04/01English24
Modelling loyalty and behavioural change intentions of busway passengers: A case study of Brisbane, Australia2017/10/01English24
Productive efficiency of public and private solid waste logistics and its implications for waste management policy2013/03/01English24
Assessment of the effectiveness of connected vehicle weather and work zone warnings in improving truck driver safety2020/10/01English23
Do in-car devices affect experienced users' driving performance?2015/07/01English22
Public private partnerships in transportation: Some insights from the European experience2013/03/01English22
Looking at sustainable urban mobility through a cross-assessment model within the framework of land-use and transport integration2012/03/01English22
Evidence-based and data-driven road safety management2015/07/01English22
A meta-analysis of the impacts of operating in-vehicle information systems on road safety2019/10/01English21
Risk assessment based on driving behavior for preventing collisions with pedestrians when making across-traffic turns at intersections2018/12/01English21
Policy challenges of increasing automation in driving2012/03/01English21
The travel behaviour of ride-sourcing users, and their perception of the usefulness of ride-sourcing based on the users' previous modes of transport: A case study in Bandung City, Indonesia2021/07/01English21
Comparison of fatal motor vehicle accidents at passive and active railway level crossings in Finland2016/07/01English21
Integration of a driving simulator and a traffic simulator case study: Exploring drivers' behavior in response to variable message signs2017/12/01English21
Car drivers' road safety performance: A benchmark across 32 countries2020/10/01English20
Short sleep duration, sleep disorders, and traffic accidents2013/07/01English20
Development of an onboard system to measure the on-road driving pattern for developing motorcycle driving cycle in Khon Kaen city, Thailand2015/07/01English20
A vehicle type-based approach to model car following behaviors in simulation programs (case study: Car-motorcycle following behavior)2019/04/01English19
Examining the influence of network, land use, and demographic characteristics to estimate the number of bicycle-vehicle crashes on urban roads2020/04/01English19
Factors affecting severity of motorcycle accidents on Thailand's arterial roads: Multiple correspondence analysis and ordered logistics regression approaches2022/04/01English19
Modeling drivers' passing duration and distance in a virtual environment2013/07/01English18
Traffic conflict assessment for non-lane-based movements of motorcycles under congested conditions2014/03/01English18
Daily emotional demands on traffic crashes among taxi drivers: Fatigue and safety motivation as mediators2019/12/01English18
A nationwide study of factors associated with household car ownership in China2018/10/01English18
Application of a driving simulator to the development of in-vehicle human–machine-interfaces2010/07/01English18
Profile-speed data-based models to estimate operating speeds for urban residential streets with a 30 km/h speed limit2013/03/01English18
Traffic risk behavior and perceptions of Thai motorcyclists: A case study2011/07/01English18
Investigating fatal and injury crash patterns of teen drivers with unsupervised learning algorithms2021/12/01English17
Modeling effects of driver safety attitudes on traffic violations in China using the theory of planned behavior2022/04/01English17