IATSS Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Public transportation development and traffic accident prevention in Indonesia2017/01/01English39
Walking to school in Scotland: Do perceptions of neighbourhood quality matter?2015/03/01English39
Vulnerable road users: Cross-cultural perspectives on performance and attitudes2020/10/01English37
A real-time crash prediction model for the ramp vicinities of urban expressways2013/07/01English37
Traffic problems in Southeast Asia featuring the case of Cambodia's traffic accidents involving motorcycles2018/12/01English36
Arrangement of financing for highway infrastructure projects under the conditions of Public–Private Partnership2016/03/01English34
Factors affecting lane change crashes2020/07/01English33
Human-like motion planning model for driving in signalized intersections2017/10/01English33
Meeting the management challenges of the Decade of Action for Road Safety2012/03/01English33
Road traffic crashes and risk groups in India: Analysis, interpretations, and prevention strategies2012/03/01English31
Automated vehicle collisions in California: Applying Bayesian latent class model2020/12/01English30
Rationale for utilizing 3PL in supply chain management: A shippers' economic perspective2011/07/01English30
Evaluating accessibility to Bangkok Metro Systems using multi-dimensional criteria across user groups2012/07/01English30
Evaluating CO2 emissions, cost, and service quality trade-offs in an urban delivery system case study2011/07/01English30
A hybrid model using logistic regression and wavelet transformation to detect traffic incidents2016/07/01English29
Aging society in Bangkok and the factors affecting mobility of elderly in urban public spaces and transportation facilities2016/07/01English29
The evolution of urban mobility: The interplay of academic and policy perspectives2014/07/01English29
Switching from motorcycle taxi to walking: A case study of transit station access in Bangkok, Thailand2017/12/01English28
Crash risk factors associated with injury severity of teen drivers2019/04/01English28
Extracting patterns from Twitter to promote biking2019/04/01English27
Creating credit by making use of mobility with FinTech and IoT2018/07/01English27
Impact of vehicle speeds and changes in mean speeds on per vehicle-kilometer traffic accident rates in Japan2017/10/01English27
An investigation of factors contributing to major crash types in Japan based on naturalistic driving data2010/07/01English27
Reconstruction of the Aceh Region following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami disaster: A transportation perspective2012/07/01English27
Exploring factors contributing to injury severity at work zones considering adverse weather conditions2019/10/01English26
A systematic framework for infrastructure development through public private partnerships2013/03/01English26
A review of behavioural issues contribution to motorcycle safety2020/07/01English26
Education influence in traffic safety: A case study in Vietnam2011/03/01English25
Solutions for urban traffic issues by ITS technologies2018/07/01English25
Exploring pedestrian surrogate safety measures by road geometry at midblock crosswalks: A perspective under mixed traffic conditions2021/04/01English25