Statistica Sinica

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Predicting disease Risk by Transformation Models in the Presence of Missing Subgroup Identifiers2018/01/01
A Bayesian generalized CAR model for correlated signal detection2018/01/01
Bias adjustment of the Chao estimator for the size of a population2018/01/01
Discussion on “Dissecting Multiple Imputation from a Multi-phase Inference Perspective: What Happens When God's, Imputer's and Analyst's Models Are Uncongenial?”2018/01/01
A Thresholding-Based Prewhitened Long-Run Variance Estimator and Its Dependence-Oracle Property2018/01/01
Generators for Nonregular $2^{k-p}$ Designs2017/01/01
The effect of L1 penalization on condition number constrained estimation of precision matrix2018/01/01
Semi-parametric prediction intervals in small areas when auxiliary data are measured with error.2018/01/01
A projection-based adaptive-to-model test for regressions2018/01/01
Discussion: Dissecting Multiple Imputation from a Multi-phase Inference Perspective: What Happens When God's Imputer's and Analyst's Models are Uncongenial?" by Xie and Men2017/01/01
Discussion of “Dissecting Multiple Imputation from a Multi-phase Inference Perspective: What Happens when God’s, Imputer’s, and Analyst’s Models are Uncongenial?”2017/01/01
The bias mapping of the Yule-Walker estimator is a contraction2019/01/01
Edgeworth expansions for a class of spectral density estimators and their applications to interval estimation2018/01/01
Maximum Partial-Rank Correlation Estimation for Left-Truncated and Right-Censored Survival Data2019/01/01
Multiply robust nonparametric multiple imputation for the treatment of missing data2019/01/01
Imprinting and Maternal Effect Detection Using Partial Likelihood Based on Discordant Sibpair Data2019/01/01
Two-sample Functional Linear Models2019/01/01
Directional Tests in Gaussian Graphical Models
Regression Analysis of Randomized Response Event Time Data
Slicing-free Inverse Regression in High-dimensional Sufficient Dimension Reduction
An Adaptively Resized Parametric Bootstrap for Inference in High-dimensional Generalized Linear Models
Assessing Statistical Disclosure Risk for Differentially Private, Hierarchical Count Data, With Application to the 2020 U. S. Decennial Census2024/01/01
Partially-Global Fréchet Regression
Hypotheses Testing of Functional Principal Components
State Space Emulation and Annealed Sequential Monte Carlo for High Dimensional Optimization
Power Enhancement for Dimension Detection of Gaussian Signals
A Construction Method for Maximin L1-Distance Latin Hypercube Designs
How Sensitive are Tail-related Risk Measures in a Contamination Neighbourhood?
Optimally Monitoring a Network of Sewage Manholes in Infectious Disease Surveillance
Confidence Surfaces for the Mean of Locally Stationary Functional Time Series