Statistica Sinica

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Extended BIC for small-n-large-P sparse GLM2012/04/0196
Estimation and variable selection for semiparametric additive partial linear models2011/06/0185
Variable selection and estimation in high-dimensional varying-coefficient models2011/10/0183
Asymptotics for general multivariate kernel density derivative estimators2011/04/0171
Standardization and the Group Lasso Penalty2012/01/0169
Surface estimation, variable selection, and the nonparametric oracle property2011/04/0165
Fast large-sample goodness-of-fit tests for copulas2011/04/0161
Simultaneous confidence bands for nonparametric regression with functional data2011/10/0161
A stepwise regression method and consistent model selection for high-dimensional sparse linear models2011/10/0159
Generalized double Pareto shrinkage2013/01/0155
A Covariance Regression Model2012/04/0153
A unified variable selection approach for varying coefficient models2012/04/0145
Early detection of a change in Poisson rate after accounting for population size effects2011/04/0143
Adaptive semi-varying coefficient model selection2012/04/0142
A numerical approach to performance analysis of quickest change-point detection procedures2011/04/0141
Gaussian approximations for non-stationary multiple time series2011/06/0141
A simultaneous confidence band for sparse longitudinal regression2012/01/0139
Multiscale and multilevel technique for consistent segmentation of nonstationary time series2012/01/0137
Elastic net for Cox’s proportional hazards model with a solution path algorithm2012/01/0137
A study of error variance estimation in Lasso regression2016/01/0132
Doubly robust instrumental variable regression2012/01/0131
Asymptotic properties of sufficient dimension reduction with a diverging number of predictors2011/04/0130
A simple Bayesian approach to multiple change-points2011/04/0130
A theory on constructing 2n-m designs with general minimum lower order confounding2011/10/0129
Statistical inferences for linear models with functional responses2011/06/0129
Multivariate functional principal component analysis: A normalization approach2014/01/0128
Optimal designs for generalized linear models with multiple design variables2011/06/0127
Varying coefficient models for sparse noise-contaminated longitudinal data2011/10/0126
Center-adjusted inference for a nonparametric Bayesian random effect distribution2011/06/0124
Penalized blind kriging in computer experiments2011/06/0124