Statistica Sinica

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Sequential Testing of Measurement Errors in Inter-Rater Reliability Studies2013/01/01
Model identification for time series with dependent innovations2013/01/01
Nonparametric Spectrum Estimation under the Constraint of a Minimum Inter-Sample Spacing2013/01/01
Species Assemblage Comparison with Abundance-based Data Using Zero-inflated Poisson Mixtures2013/01/01
Construction of nested (nearly) orthogonal designs for computer experiments2013/01/01
On convergence of recursive Monte Carlo filters in non-compact state spaces2012/01/01
Augmented Estimating Equations for Semiparametric Panel Count Regression with Informative Observation Times and Censoring Time2013/01/01
Dynamic empirical Bayes models and their applications to longitudinal data analysis and prediction2014/01/01
Bayesian Analysis of Spatially-Dependent Functional Responses with Spatially-Dependent Multi-Dimensional Functional Predictors2014/01/01
Analysis of time series with multiple shifts of levels and volatilities2011/10/01
A structural model on a hypercube represented by optimal transport2011/06/01
A coset pattern identity between a 2n-p design and its complement2011/06/01
Semiparametric Pseudo Likelihoods for Longitudinal Data with Outcome-Dependent Nonmonotone Nonresponse2012/01/01
Joint variable screening in the censored accelerated failure time model2020/01/01
Asymptotic Distribution for Regression in A Symmetric Periodic Gaussian Kernel Hilbert Space2019/01/01
Semiparametric Estimation and Inference of Variance Function with Large Dimensional Covariates2019/01/01
Bayesian Spectral Analysis Regression with Shape Restrictions2017/01/01
Smooth Composite Likelihood Analysis of Length-Biased and Right -Censored Data2017/01/01
Sufficient dimension reduction with mixture multivariate skew elliptical distributions2017/01/01
Testing for uniform stochastic orderings via empirical likelihood under right censoring2018/01/01
Convex Surrogate Minimization in Classification2018/01/01
Hybrid combinations of parametric and empirical likelihoods2018/01/01
Limit behaviour of the truncated pathwise Fourier-transformation of L'evy-driven CARMA processes for non-equidistant discrete time observations2018/01/01
Statistical-Physical Estimation of Pollution Emission2018/01/01
Peter Hall on Extremes: Research, teaching and supervision2018/01/01
Assessment of nonignorable nonresponse log-linear models for an incomplete two-way contingency table2018/01/01
Surrogate-Assisted Tuning for Computer Experiments with Qualitative and Quantitative Parameters2018/01/01
Wavelet methods for erratic regression means in the presence of measurement error2018/01/01
Rank-based estimating equation with non-ignorable missing responses via empirical likelihood2018/01/01