IEEE Network

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Learning IoT in Edge: Deep Learning for the Internet of Things with Edge Computing2018/01/0141
IP restoration vs. WDM protection: is there an optimal choice?2000/01/0140
Bluetooth: an enabler for personal area networking2001/01/0138
A Vision of 6G Wireless Systems: Applications, Trends, Technologies, and Open Research Problems2020/05/0138
Simplifying network administration using policy-based management2002/01/0138
Spacing cells protects and enhances utilization of ATM network links1992/09/0137
Transparent bridges for interconnection of IEEE 802 LANs1988/01/0137
Managing bandwidth in ATM networks with bursty traffic1992/09/0137
Programming telecommunication networks1997/01/0136
Congestion control and prevention in ATM networks1991/07/0135
B-ISDN/ATM traffic and congestion control1992/09/0135
The Tempest-a practical framework for network programmability1998/01/0135
Authentication of mobile users1994/03/0135
A comparison of load balancing techniques for scalable Web servers2000/01/0134
Video multicast over the Internet1999/01/0133
A taxonomy for congestion control algorithms in packet switching networks1995/01/0133
Giving applications access to Gb/s networking1993/07/0133
Performance modeling for mobile telephone networks1997/01/0133
High-speed nondirective optical communication for wireless networks1991/11/0132
A secure active network environment architecture: realization in SwitchWare1998/01/0132
A synchronization framework for communication of pre-orchestrated multimedia information1994/01/0132
ABE: providing a low-delay service within best effort2001/01/0131
An overview of reliable multicast transport protocol II2000/01/0131
A simulation study of table-driven and on-demand routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks1999/01/0131
Providing Internet access: what we learn from INDEX1999/01/0130
IP network configuration for intradomain traffic engineering2001/01/0130
A multi-agent decision support system for stock trading2002/01/0129
Toward an all-IP-based UMTS system architecture2001/01/0129
A survey of MAC protocols proposed for wireless ATM1997/11/0128
Lightpath restoration in WDM optical networks2000/01/0128