IEEE Network

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Securing ad hoc networks1999/01/01366
A survey on position-based routing in mobile ad hoc networks2001/11/01359
REM: active queue management2001/01/01356
RSVP: a new resource ReSerVation Protocol1993/09/01319
Wide-area Internet traffic patterns and characteristics1997/01/01303
Disseminating active map information to mobile hosts1994/09/01257
WDM-based local lightwave networks. I. Single-hop systems1992/05/01227
Network intrusion detection1994/05/01221
Algorithms for packet classification2001/01/01194
An overview of quality of service routing for next-generation high-speed networks: problems and solutions1998/01/01192
Deployment issues for the IP multicast service and architecture2000/01/01188
MPEG-4 and H.263 video traces for network performance evaluation2001/01/01180
Internet QoS: a big picture1999/01/01167
A workload characterization study of the 1998 World Cup Web site2000/01/01145
Survey and taxonomy of IP address lookup algorithms2001/01/01137
The rate-based flow control framework for the available bit rate ATM service1995/01/01134
Survivability in optical networks2000/01/01133
A survey of packet loss recovery techniques for streaming audio1998/09/01131
WDM-based local lightwave networks. II. Multihop systems1992/07/01123
Ray tracing as a design tool for radio networks1991/11/01115
IEEE 802.15.4: a developing standard for low-power low-cost wireless personal area networks2001/09/0199
A survey on TCP-friendly congestion control2001/01/0193
Admission control for statistical QoS: theory and practice1999/01/0192
Location management for next-generation personal communications networks2000/01/0186
A distributed location system for the active office1994/01/0182
Traffic engineering with MPLS in the Internet2000/01/0182
An overview of lightwave packet networks1989/01/0180
Multicast routing and its QoS extension: problems, algorithms, and protocols2000/01/0174
A case for relative differentiated services and the proportional differentiation model1999/01/0172
Multicast routing algorithms and protocols: a tutorial2000/01/0172