Indagationes Mathematicae

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Optimum solutions for a system of differential equations via measure of noncompactness2018/06/01English20
Generalized Berwald spaces with(α,β)-metrics2016/06/01English19
On weak model sets of extremal density2017/02/01English19
The primitive length of a general k-gonal curve1994/01/01English19
A polarization identity for multilinear maps2014/04/01English18
Vector-valued fractal functions: Fractal dimension and fractional calculus2023/07/01English18
Automorphisms ofZd-subshifts of finite type1994/01/01English18
An explicit van der Corput estimate for ζ(1/2+it)2016/03/01English18
Geodesic vector fields and Eikonal equation on a Riemannian manifold2019/07/01English18
On the transverse symbol of vectorial distributions and some applications to harmonic analysis1996/03/01English17
Foliated groupoids and infinitesimal ideal systems2014/10/01English16
Maximal m-subharmonic functions and the Cegrell class Nm2019/07/01English16
On the asymptotic approximation with operators of Bleimann, Butzer and Hahn1996/03/01English16
Kronecker’s approximation theorem2016/03/01English16
Semi-invariant Riemannian maps from almost Hermitian manifolds2012/03/01English16
Controllability for noninstantaneous impulsive semilinear functional differential inclusions without compactness2018/10/01English15
Geometric desingularization of degenerate singularities in the presence of fast rotation: A new proof of known results for slow passage through Hopf bifurcations2016/12/01English15
Lie algebroid modules and representations up to homotopy2014/10/01English15
Norm-parallelism in the geometry of Hilbert C∗-modules2016/01/01English15
A semantic hierarchy for intuitionistic logic2019/05/01English15
Approximation by Faber–Laurent rational functions in Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent2016/09/01English15
A characterization of simplicial localization functors and a discussion of DK equivalences2012/03/01English14
Explicit formulas and recurrence relations for higher order Eulerian polynomials2017/08/01English14
Asymptotic behavior of a flexible structure with Cattaneo type of thermal effect2016/06/01English14
Existence and uniqueness of solutions for nonlinear general fractional differential equations in Banach spaces2015/08/01English14
Existence and regularity of solutions for evolution equations with Riemann–Liouville fractional derivatives2014/04/01English14
Dynamical systems arising from random substitutions2018/08/01English14
An elementary approach to the Serre-Rost invariant of Albert algebras1996/09/01English13
Eliminating disjunctions by disjunction elimination2018/02/01English13
Convergence of Picard’s iteration using projection algorithm for noncyclic contractions2019/01/01English13