Indagationes Mathematicae

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Domain of Riesz mean in some spaces of double sequences2018/06/01English13
Hybrid functions of Bernstein polynomials and block-pulse functions for solving optimal control of the nonlinear Volterra integral equations2016/06/01English13
Perturbing analytic discs attached to maximal real submanifolds of CN1996/03/01English13
Automatic continuity and representation of certain linear isomorphisms between group algebras1995/01/01English13
A class of free rotation groups1994/01/01English13
Periodic and subharmonic solutions for a 2nth-order difference equation involving p-Laplacian2013/06/01English13
Irreducibility of A-hypergeometric systems2011/07/01English13
Compact-like operators in lattice-normed spaces2018/04/01English13
On power graphs of finite groups with forbidden induced subgraphs2014/04/01English12
Updown generation of Penrose patterns1990/06/01English12
Constructing bounded remainder sets and cut-and-project sets which are bounded distance to lattices, II2017/02/01English12
Random walk in a high density dynamic random environment2014/06/01English12
Uniformly locally univalent harmonic mappings associated with the pre-Schwarzian norm2018/04/01English12
On the metric theory of p-adic continued fractions2013/01/01English11
An introduction of logical entropy on sequential effect algebra2017/10/01English11
Spectral radius of power graphs on certain finite groups2018/04/01English11
On Zariski tangent spaces of Schubert varieties, and a proof of a conjecture of Deodhar1994/01/01English11
On a conjectural filtration on the Chow groups of an algebraic variety1993/06/01English11
Diffraction of compatible random substitutions in one dimension2018/08/01English11
On factors of g-measures2011/12/01English11
Thick attractors of boundary preserving diffeomorphisms2011/12/01English10
Nonconventional averages along arithmetic progressions and lattice spin systems2012/09/01English10
On the stability of the solution mapping for parametric traffic network problems2018/06/01English10
On the independence number of the power graph of a finite group2018/04/01English10
Hyperstability of Cauchy–Jensen functional equations2016/06/01English10
Markov–Kakutani’s theorem for best proximity pairs in Hadamard spaces2017/06/01English10
On a sum involving the Euler totient function2019/07/01English10
Stinespring’s theorem for unbounded operator valued local completely positive maps and its applications2021/04/01English10
Formes quadratiques de hauteur et de degré 21996/03/01French10
Algebraic models for higher categories2011/07/01English10