The Journal of International Communication

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Global communication policy and the realisation of human rights1998/12/01English3
The Future of IC Education in the United States1994/12/01English3
Challenges of entertainment-education2003/06/01English3
Counteracting ‘hate radio’ in Africa's Great Lakes region2002/06/01English3
Transboundary flows of western entertainment across the Iron Curtain1999/12/01English3
Communication and development: beyond panaceas1997/12/01English3
Public Diplomacy and Public Relations1994/12/01English3
The political economy of new: technological spaces1999/06/01English3
Global-diasporic and subnational-ethnic1996/12/01English3
Participatory citizenship and the Internet1999/06/01English3
Terrorists, Moslems, fundamentalists and other bad objects in the midst of ‘us’1997/06/01English3
The marketplace citizen and the political economy of data trade in the European Union1999/06/01English3
Imperatives of citizen-centric Web 2.0 political networks for an effective democracy2010/01/01English3
A multidisciplinary understanding of news2007/01/01English3
Globalisation and crisis communication2009/01/01English3
World-system as a dissipative structure2007/01/01English3
Children's materialism in urban ond rural china2010/01/01English3
Communicating environmental issues across media: an exploration of international news flows between twitter and traditional media2022/11/24English3
Media as soft power: the role of the South Korean media in North Korea2018/10/19English3
Quote counts as a success metric: quantifying a criticism of Voice of America2018/09/19English3
The construction of the political agenda on Twitter and Facebook during the 2016 Spanish elections: issues, frame and users’ interest2021/03/16English3
Innocence killed: Role of propaganda videos in the recruitment of children of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria2021/01/02English3
A virtual public sphere and its limitations – microblog, online civic engagement in China and its interplay with the state2015/10/14English3
Mobile apps and news: a Taiwanese case of curation2017/12/29English3
Cultural capital at its best: factors influencing consumption of American television programmes among young Croatians2016/07/02English3
Issues in the evolution of public relations in Nigeria2017/10/31English3
From the Big Three to elite news sources: a shift in international news flow in three online newspapers,, and
Sex and the City2012/04/01English3
The Chinese Internet2012/04/01English3
Cultural congruence or difference: A paired country investigation of leadership effectiveness in public relations2014/01/02English3