The Journal of International Communication

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Using street protests and national commemorations for nation-building purposes: the campaign for the independence of Catalonia (2012–2014)2016/07/02English5
Framing of the US-Venezuela diplomatic relationship in major US newspapers2013/08/01English4
How does selective exposure affect partisan polarisation? Media consumption on electoral campaigns2021/03/24English4
Bad news: seeing communication for and about development through an exposé of Swedish aid to Zambia2019/07/03English4
Shuttling between politics and entertainment2015/07/03English4
The Taliban factor: conflict in Afghanistan and elite South Asian newspapers†2015/12/13English4
One battle, two narratives? Rudaw’s framing during the 2017 conflict over the disputed territories of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq2018/05/23English4
Digital media for intimacy?: Asian nannies’ transnational mothering in Paris2017/05/23English4
An intergenerational conversation on international communication2018/07/03English4
A world-systemic analysis of knowledge production in international communication and media studies: the epistemic hierarchy of research approaches2020/09/13English4
Market size matters? An approach to illustrate the market preference of Hong Kong-mainland China co-production cinema2020/01/02English4
Expert views on the field of international communication2010/01/01English4
Cannibalising the Chinese ‘watching mass’2006/06/01English4
The Internet, the public sphere and the ‘digital divide’ in New Zealand2002/12/01English4
Women's global faxnet1996/07/01English4
Policy dialogue with Indian parliamentarians2005/06/01English4
Cultural variations in Olympic telecasts1995/06/01English4
Broadcasting international crises1994/06/01English4
The social distribution of participation in the broadcast Olympic games1995/06/01English4
Images of others1995/06/01English4
Human rights1998/12/01English4
International communication2004/12/01English4
Apres Le Deluge: social media in learning and teaching2014/07/03English4
‘Old journalists’ in a ‘new media’ environment? A study on the career choices of digital journalists2019/10/15English4
A profile of journalists in Qatar: traits, attitudes and values2016/05/02English4
Configuring the future2004/12/01English4
Communication and the human condition2004/12/01English3
The anti-terrorist advertising campaigns in the Middle East2013/08/01English3
News as business: the global financial crisis and Occupy movement in theWall Street Journal2014/07/03English3
En‘vision’ing Europe's crisis: Intertextuality in news coverage of the Eurozone crisis in Chinese, Indian and Russian press2014/01/02English3