Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Social capital, self-esteem, and use of online social network sites: A longitudinal analysis2008/11/01English939
College students' social networking experiences on Facebook2009/05/01English875
Bringing order out of chaos: Psychometric characteristics of the confusion, hubbub, and order scale1995/07/01English565
Online and offline social networks: Use of social networking sites by emerging adults2008/11/01English554
Improving adolescents' standardized test performance: An intervention to reduce the effects of stereotype threat2003/12/01English484
Caregivers in day-care centers: Does training matter?1989/10/01English417
Adolescent Internet use: What we expect, what teens report2004/11/01English384
Self-presentation and gender on MySpace2008/11/01English373
Pathways to life success: A conceptual model of financial well-being for young adults2009/11/01English345
Young children's screen time: The complex role of parent and child factors2015/01/01English325
Revealing the invisible hand: The role of teachers in children's peer experiences2011/09/01English314
Contextual risk and parenting as predictors of effortful control and social competence in preschool children2007/01/01English264
Declines in efficacy of anti-bullying programs among older adolescents: Theory and a three-level meta-analysis2015/03/01English261
Coping and adjustment in distressed and healthy adolescents1991/01/01English248
Executive function and the promotion of social–emotional competence2006/07/01English245
Reflective judgment: Concepts of justification and their relationship to age and education1981/06/01English239
Peer education: The untapped potential1984/10/01English237
Parent influences on early childhood internalizing difficulties2006/11/01English234
Bidirectional associations between temperament and parenting and the prediction of adjustment problems in middle childhood2005/01/01English213
Promoting self-regulation through school-based martial arts training2004/05/01English213
Mother and father language input to young children: Contributions to later language development2006/11/01English197
A longitudinal study of relational and physical aggression in preschool2006/05/01English190
Effects of video game playing on measures of spatial performance: Gender effects in late adolescence1994/01/01English180
Effect of video game practice on spatial skills in girls and boys1994/01/01English178
The contribution of inhibitory control to preschoolers' social–emotional competence2009/05/01English175
Preventing prejudice and improving intergroup attitudes: A meta-analysis of child and adolescent training programs2014/01/01English171
Teaching practices and elementary classroom peer ecologies2011/09/01English171
Problems in the pipeline: Stereotype threat and women's achievement in high-level math courses2008/01/01English169
Maternal belief systems: Linchpin in the home reading process1995/01/01English163
The search for peer advice in cyberspace: An examination of online teen bulletin boards about health and sexuality2004/11/01English153