Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A simple modification for the Ward electron microscope specimen holder1971/06/01
Current monitoring for an ion beam thinning apparatus1975/02/01
Wide range semi-automatic plotting of current-voltage characteristics1973/11/01
Stabilization of an electron-bombardment over using a Hall effect multiplier1970/08/01
Adapters for rapid loading of cut films for the Elmiskop electron microscopes1970/08/01
A novel method for automatic measurement and correction of astigmatism in the SEM1987/01/01
A coaxial Kerr cell1979/08/01
A simple composite helium Dewar1969/12/01
A technique for determining the apparent density of irradiated uranium dioxide in fragments1974/10/01
Scanning Berg-Barrett X-ray topography using a modified Lang camera1972/11/01
A very simple electronic integrator for true noise dosemeters1989/07/01
The accuracy and repeatability of voltampere measurements on electrical sheet steel at high flux densities1968/08/01
An inclinometer using magnetic fluid1988/05/01
An automatic digital line centring device for direct reading emission spectrometers1969/06/01
A folding scale expander for fast contour mapping1971/06/01
A simple photographic method for the investigation of the rotation of projectiles1978/04/01
A self-controlled automatic electrolysis plant for producing deuterium in a laboratory1978/08/01
Electrical detection of a circumferential crack in the wall of a hollow metal cylinder1974/10/01
Sensitized fluorescence measurements using a pulsed dye laser1974/07/01
The support of thin windows for X-ray proportional counters1973/04/01
Isotope shift measurements with polarised light1986/07/01
Pulsed noise reduction in infrared luminescence spectroscopy1987/05/01
Novel vapour source for powdered materials1984/10/01
Rotoscope with pneumatic suspension and drive1981/04/01
An inexpensive manual reset control for stepper motors1979/05/01
Ultraviolet copper-ion laser with enhanced operation period due to UHV technology1987/11/01
Semi-automatic plotting of mass spectra as normalized bar graphs1970/10/01
An ultra-violet transmitting window for image tubes1969/10/01
Measurement of magnetic field index n of the 5 MeV betatron by an ac potentiometer1971/04/01
A sample holder for fuel cell measurements at high temperature1979/10/01