Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Determination of the thickness and optical constants of amorphous silicon1983/12/013,162
A simple method for the determination of the optical constants n, k and the thickness of a weakly absorbing thin film1976/11/011,360
Determination of surface roughness and optical constants of inhomogeneous amorphous silicon films1984/10/01598
Magnetic field paralleliser for 2π electron-spectrometer and electron-image magnifier1983/04/01561
Applied potential tomography1984/09/01469
Model independent evaluation of overlapped Mossbauer spectra1974/07/01437
Evaluation of hyperfine parameter distributions from overlapped Mossbauer spectra of amorphous alloys1979/11/01413
Interferometric displacement measurement on scattering surfaces utilizing speckle effect1970/03/01319
Hyperfine field distributions from Mossbauer spectra1971/05/01300
The fluxgate magnetometer1979/04/01262
Absolute measurement of the thermal conductivity of electrically conducting liquids by the transient hot-wire method1981/12/01249
An automatic microdensitometer for X-ray powder diffraction photographs1980/12/01241
A laser-speckle strain gauge1981/11/01222
A jet-stirred reactor for kinetic studies of homogeneous gas-phase reactions at pressures up to ten atmospheres (≈1 MPa)1986/03/01220
Principles and procedures for determining absolute differential electron-molecule (atom) scattering cross sections1989/09/01195
NMR microscopy of dynamic displacements: k-space and q-space imaging1988/08/01188
An image-shearing speckle-pattern interferometer for measuring bending moments1973/11/01187
Some theoretical aspects of error separation techniques in surface metrology1976/07/01186
Measurement of small-scale turbulence structure with hot wires1968/11/01184
An introduction to acoustic emission1987/08/01169
Tomographic imaging of two-component flow using capacitance sensors1989/03/01163
A diamond anvil cell for the investigation of superconductivity under pressures of up to 50 GPa: Pb as a low temperature manometer1988/09/01161
An ultra-low-load penetration hardness tester1982/01/01153
Apparatus for measuring the thermal expansion of solids between 1.5 and 380K1983/05/01153
Improved computational procedure for evaluation of overlapping hyperfine parameter distributions in Mossbauer spectra1981/05/01136
Construction and performance of a Brillouin scattering set-up using a triple-pass tandem Fabry-Perot interferometer1987/06/01135
Application of capacitance techniques in sensor design1986/11/01134
Resonator sensors-a review1985/02/01132
Minimum inductance coils1988/10/01129
Frequency stabilization of the helium-neon laser by saturated absorption in iodine vapour1972/09/01128