Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A3He cryostat for optical spectroscopy1976/02/01
A visible-infrared spectroradiometer for cloud reflectance measurements1985/08/01
Dynamic error correction of thin-wire resistance thermometer1979/01/01
Motorized stage controls for the Cambridge S600 scanning electron microscope1976/08/01
An improved jet thinning apparatus for the preparation of Si-Ge alloy foils1978/07/01
NMR frequency to magnetic field converter circuit with digital readout1987/06/01
An inherently safe resistance meter1979/07/01
A detector for counting beta particles with minimal response to bremsstrahlung1987/05/01
A `pile-up' gate generator for removing distortion in multichannel delayed coincidence experiments1970/12/01
A simple motorised slide with micrometre resolution1983/11/01
A simple controller for an automatic liquid nitrogen filler1984/07/01
Simple projecting device for observing cathode operation in a plasma-arc torch1968/06/01
Alternative approach to the acquisition of long-term field data (atmospheric measurement)1983/02/01
An electron gun for an electron cooling device1987/12/01
A versatile sample cell system for small-angle X-ray scattering experiments with very highly stabilised temperature1977/01/01
A technique for preparation of tensile samples with an improved geometry for in situ electron microscopy studies1976/03/01
A nuclear quadrupole resonance spectrometer for the frequency range 250 to 1100 MHz1973/03/01
Replica techniques for the scanning electron microscope1972/08/01
Plane symmetrical unipotential lens. II. First-order focal properties1976/10/01
Application of an X-Y recorder as a versatile mathematical instrument1979/12/01
A fast, thermally stable bipolar pulse amplifier1982/10/01
A simple and highly stable photoelectric apparatus for monitoring the thickness of optical films1973/05/01
Linearity of the planar vacuum photodiode1973/03/01
The preparation of encapsulated free-hanging alkali metal wires for transport property measurements (thermal and electrical)1975/04/01
A spectrophotometer for the direct measurement of the oscillator strength of an electronic molecular transition1976/06/01
Autocollimator level1986/03/01
A three dimensional microtranslator for use in high vacuum (laser target positioning)1975/12/01
M$ouml$ssbauer spectrometry by means of tape recorders1968/11/01
Automatic amplitude distribution analyser for studying the fading of pulsed echoes1970/10/01
Chemical sensor research at the laboratory of applied physics in Linkoping1984/09/01